
Anyone know what i can do if i feel like cutting?

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Anyone know what i can do if i feel like cutting?




  1. Well first , if you used to cut think about what made you stop in the first place. For example, I used to cut every time something upset me and eventually my boyfriend told me he couldn't deal with it anymore, so I stopped and now every time I want to I just think about how upset and hurt he would be.

    Second, listening to music really helps and third, write down what your feeling or write about anything really.

  2. get some paper. Really go for a jog or hang out with friends. dont have any pray and read a book

  3. cutting what a f**t

  4. YOu need another thing to replace your pain. Try Drawing a picture or writing a poem. Or take a hot shower.

  5. She means: Cutting, as in your wrist.

    And, if you do get the urge to cut. Just try to ignore it and do something else that you enjoy and makes you happy. Or, do something that will take your mind off it. TV / Movies / Friends / Computer / Games / ect

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