
Anyone know what is up with the Thunderstorms lately?

by Guest60029  |  earlier

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Hello. I live in Northern Virginia, and i was wondering, why has the weather(storms) been so harsh this year, i mean, it never rained this hard before, and the lightning/thunder is harsher than ever. All the recent summer storms have been LOUDer than they were in the past. I mean, its not normal for lightning to sound like its hitting a tree every time right? or is it because Global Warming? or is it because this is my first time experiencing alot of storms in my area? Dont mistake me for an idiot =\




  1. This is common for this area during summer as the oceans heat up and produces thunderstroms. I think you haven't experienced alot of thunderstorms before in your area. But global warming plays a role here, since the ocean temperatures are rising every year more and more stroms will strengthen and you guys are lucky you rarely see a massive hurricane come by.

  2. Check out bluebeam and lucifer on you-tube.

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