
Anyone know what my dream means?

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I had this weird dream the other night that this guy that sits in the back of class died by getting shot in the back of the head. I don't even know his name but in the dream, i was the only one that cried when he got shot and everyone else was laughing. That's the whole dream summed up into a couple of sentences but the crazy thing was...i woke up crying! Does this mean anything or was it just one of those dreams?




  1. Whoa! That's intense! I'm supersticious when it comes to dreams...I think it means something. Maybe that kid is gonna die soon...You'd better be nice to him because whta if it would be the last thing he heard?...Wouldn't wanna s***w that up..

  2. Maybe the person that was shot in your dream was mistreated in life because of the laughing and that you are the only one who cared and feel sensitive.

  3. Sort of is "one of those dreams" as it only teaches you a lesson about yourself.

    The fact that you're the only one that cried out shows that you think you're more sympathetic than those around you. Because you didn't know him means that you don't pay that much to your surroundings or that you simply don't bother to get to know people.

    Why was he sitting in the back of the class? Foreshadowing!

    You woke up crying because this dream was truly terrifying.

  4. Every time I have a dream about someone dying. it turns out someone is pregnant-just an old wives tale-

    back in 1969 I dreamed that the Beatles all perished in separate air plane crashes. I soon learned I was pregnant. The Beatles broke up too -coincidence??

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