
Anyone know what rules and regulations there are when sea fishing ?

by  |  earlier

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Just brought a boat to go sea fishing around the wash and further around the coast, what i want to know is what rules and regulations there are if any.





  1. R W is right, check with your local fish and game department, it's the best way. You might also consider taking a boating course, most are free to take and they will explain to you in a precise manner what is required on a boat besides having a fishing license.  Even if you already know how to operate a boat, it's still a good idea to refresh the memory and keep up to date. ~good luck catchin'.  

  2. Don't fall in  :P

  3. In the UK there are no real rules - The boat has to be sea worthy, also if you plan on using a VHF Radio then you need to obtain a VHF operators liscence for this. Most harbours require Insurace too - 3rd party liability at a minimum, this is quite cheap though.

    I have a small 21 foot boat and had to call the coastguard out - Engine failure! On being towed back in my boat was boarded by two Lifeboat people and all my saftey gear was inspected. The outcome was that a recommendation was made by the Lifeboat that i doubled up on everything ( Engine, VHF, Mobile phone Etc,) They did not charge me with anything but i do believe that if you are found to be neglegent then they can take you to court.

    My advice to you is to be as safe as possible - I cannot tell you how scary it was when we were drifting towards rocks with no power... Lifeboat just came on time as we were getting ready to jump... A definate eye opener for me! Make sure you are confident that if something fails you have a back up - Its just not worth the risk...

    Hope this helps and happy boating / fishing... When everythings going well its the best thing in the world!

    Ps Try out for great cheap sea fishing tackle - Absolutely fantastic prices and top notch gear

  4. No regulations just common sense. A small boat handling course through the RYA is advised, along with essential safety equipment.

    Be safe and enjoy.

  5. You might be able to find something on boat handling and general fishing here, its based in the UK

  6. You'll need a saltwater license as well.

  7. the best information that i can give you, it to check with the agency that regulates the fishing in the location that you plan on fishing, then follow the rules set forth

  8. theres health and safety rules but your better off talking to local boat owners. also try the inner dowsing off skeg, its rough ground that is full of skate and dogfish,tope.

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