
Anyone know what this puzzle is?

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My sister told me about this puzzle she recently saw on vacation and wants to get one (because she couldn't figure it out while on vacation!). I don't know the name of it but she said it didn't have flat edges like a regular puzzle but more of the 'innie, outie' kind of thing like the inside pieces would have and the insides were very geometric. There are a million ways to put it together wrong but only one way to do it right because everything will fit right until the last piece which doesn't fit at all. She said it's an 8 and up game (which is so not right!) and would like to find it. So if anyone out there knows of it or another that is similar then I would love to know what it is! Thank you!




  1. It might be Shmuzzles - the pieces are all identically-shaped, they look like little lizards.  The design is based on the geometric art of M.C. Escher.

    They're harder than regular puzzles, since all the pieces are the same shape.  You have to go by the picture on them, and not the shape, to put it together right.  

    They fit together millions of wrong ways, but only one RIGHT way...

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