
Anyone know when to pick corn?

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so my dad has a garden and he planted corn. but hes not so sure about when its ready to be picked. anyone happen to know?




  1. open the tops a little and peek, dotn open too much!

  2. pick it when it is about 6"5'

  3. the tassells start turning golden or brown..if your lucky enought to get prior to squirrels or other varmits..We had to pick ours before these shows of being ready..know that little baby corn ya can get in Chinese food..???.oh yea was great ,,but not what we had hope for...darn squirrels

  4. when the tassels are brown, also cook within 2 hours of picking  otherwise the natural sugars will start to turn to starch, that's why homegrown is so much sweeter

  5. Check an ear of corn from the garden. It should have mature kernels on the cob, like the ones in the supermarket. If not, it needs to grow some more. Check the silk tassels too, they should be dark brown.

  6. if picked corn with my aunt around this time!!

    its really tasty!! TRUST ME! LOL

  7. i think your supposed to when the hairs coming out the top turn brown, but i can't remember if that only happens if it has a worm in it. btw, if it has a worm in it, it doesn't matter cuz u don't eat that part.  

  8. first, when the hair of corn come out with a bit red color, then try to peel one for test to use your hand to press the whole corn without leaves whether it is tender or tough, and use your finger nail to poke any one of kernal of corn to see how the juice come out from hole.

    The best time to pick the corn is it should be touch as soft not tough and when you press the kernal or teethe of corn by poking a hole it should come out with juicy fluid which spill out of membrane with starchy juice.  IF you punch the kernal without any juice spring out high or just a little with full of starch inside the membrane with not much fluid come out... then it is old to eat.

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