
Anyone know where I can get ammo for a discontinued 1964 Ruger Ciston 44 revolver?

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I received it as a part of my great grandfathers estate dividing. I admired it as a child and now proudly own it and display it for my grandfathers memory. It still works as far as I can tell but can't fire it without ammo. Local stores don't carry the bullets.




  1. need more information: what is a Ciston 44?

    could it be a Custom 44?

    The Cartridge name is stamped on the side of the barrel.

    Is it the Army, 44 caliber Cap & Ball?

    44 Rem Mag, 44 Special Ctg or 44 Russian?.

  2. I have been unable to produce any records for a Ruger Ciston 44. If it shoots 44 special, try midway USA online.

    If it shoot 44 Russian try here.

  3. I think you must have the name wrong.

    Please write down EVERYTHING stamped on the gun, as that will tell you exactly what it is and what kind of ammo it needs

    running backwards through history, most recent to oldest

    44 mag  = 44 magnum, easy ammo to find

    44 spl = 44 special, the predicesor of the 44 mag, readily avaialble at bigger gunshops and online

    44 rus = 44 russian, same as 44 special powerwise, but shorter, considered very accurate.  readily available online

    44-40 = 44-40 originally designed as a rifle cartridge, was a conteporary and very similar in power to the 45 colt.  Thanks to cowboy action shooting, this old round is now readily available.  

    44 winchester = 44-40, see above

    there are some older more exotic rounds, but they were well before ruger's time

    The other option is that it is a cap-and-ball revolver.  In this case it will be marked as 44 cal.

    You simply need some 44 caliber lead balls, some percussion caps, lubricant, and some black powder, or black powder substitute, to fire it.  All of that is readily available

    check out the two videos shown here to see how to go about doing it.  Of course, you will need to find out exactly what size of powder charge to use for your gun, but that would again require you to properly identify it.

  4. Double check that you got the name of the ammo correct.

    Check out and

    Between those two sites you can pretty much find any accessory you need.  Check weekly for updates.

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