
Anyone know where has zeeda gone to?

by  |  earlier

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looks like she hasn't been around much lately...

the last time i heard from her was like 16 days ago...

then she hilang liao..aka vanished..

zeeda oh zeeda... where for art thou?

i miss you leh...




  1. Yes, she's still around, but changed her name!

  2. the last we've chat..she told me that her ex-boss has offered her to work with them again and she said she will be very busy soon and might wont have the time to YAMming again..she might will pop in whenever she's free.. other than that few weeks back one of her close relative has passed away..until then, i've lost in touch with her almost 2 weeks..

    yea lor..i'm beginning to miss her too...

  3. I also wondering lah,but I think she is busy with his family.

  4. don't know

  5. ya where is she.. she use to give good answers.

  6. Zeeda oh Zeeda I miss you like crazy ......huarghhh !!!

    errr...anyone know where has Batman gone to ?

  7. i am also wondering so much.  but then, i myself don't get to YAM too often nowadays.  hope she manifests herself soon.

    hey,  u are both....u know, expecting.. hehe!  Girl, btw,  i think u gotta avoid too much radiation too.  The laptop has much of it, i think.  Especially the first trimester - u gotta read more about this - radiation, ok?

  8. She change her name to R.I.P . Don't know why

  9. Rumors had it she gone eloped with private investigator  P Balasubramanian.

  10. No idea. Haven't seen her around for ages. Miss her humour.

  11. on vacation kua?? or honeymoon!!

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