
Anyone know where the fuel filter is on a vk commodore?

by  |  earlier

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ive lost my owners maual and want to do the replacement myself, i dont really know a lot about engines and dont want to mess it up if u have a suggestion reply 2




  1. it's in the tank.

    I dunno a lot about cars but my bf has a vl & barina. I'm pretty sure he said it's in the tank.

    doing a search......................

    yep, in the tank.

  2. I've never actually seen one in the fuel tank before. Usually a clear/white plastic fuel filter in the engine bay (LH side from memory). I'm up for being proven wrong as it's a long time since i worked on one. If your looking at doing things to your car go to somewhere like repco, supercheap auto and buy a haynes manual for your car. Bout $30 or so dollars and tells you pretty much everything bout your car.

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