
Anyone know which ones are pointless??

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i am planning a trip to italy and dont want to go places that are stuppid so which should i take off and any suggestions of replacements??????


Colliseum (Ancient Roman Ruins)

Trevi Fountain


Basilica di San Clemente

St. Peter’s Cathedral

Spanish Steps

Catacombs of St. Sebastian

National Etruscan Museum

The church of immaculate consumption


Fountain of Four Rivers,

St. Peters Basilica (?)


Leaning Tower of Pisa

Galleria degli Uffizi

San Lorenzo

Santa Croce


Statue of David

Archaeological Museum

Palazzo Capponi

Villa Medicea di Cafaggiolo


Santa Maria delle Grazie (The Last Supper)

Museo Poldi Pezzoli

Colonne di San Lorenzo

Kartell Museum

Duomo Museum & Civic Museum of Contemporary Art

Pinacoteca di Brera


Galleria Umberto I


Castel Dell’Ovo

Chiesa del Carmine

La Statua del Nilo

La guglia di San Domenico




  1. Nothing is pointless. I'll cull your list, compile similar items and make additions in ALL CAPS:





    Colliseum (Ancient Roman Ruins)

    Trevi Fountain



    Spanish Steps

    Catacombs of St. Sebastian



    Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Galleria degli Uffizi

    Santa Croce


    Statue of David


    Santa Maria delle Grazie (The Last Supper)

    Colonne di San Lorenzo

    Duomo Museum & Civic Museum of Contemporary Art





    Capri / Blue grotto / Travel around the island on boat


    Basilica di San Marco






    Gondola Ride



  2. I have been to Rome, Florence, and Naples and I enjoyed my time there.. Milan is supposed to be nice too..

    It really depends on your interest..

    I suggest you begin your tour really early coz when it's in the afternoon, that's where there are soo many people coz not only will you have tourists but also people living there..


    National Etruscan Museum- stupid!

    avoid Museums coz they only take your time..

    You should go to those sacred places especially if you're catholic but otherwise try to avoid:

    The church of immaculate consumption

    Basilica di San Clemente thing that i think is cool, when you're in Rome: find the mouth of truth.. I've visited almost everything in Rome but the mouth of truth..


    Leaning Tower of Pisa- is far away from Florence (like 3 hours away) but definitely worth it to go there!

    Galleria degli Uffizi- (worth it to go but it will take most of your time coz this is where a LOT of people want to see the real statue of David.. I think the fake was just as nice as the real one.. and it doesnt waste any of ur time coz it's outside..)

    Santa Croce- (i dont think you can go inside.. but it's really beautiful outside)

    Duomo- if the line isn't long, go inside.. otherwise don't go in

    Statue of David- try to avoid seeing the real one coz this is where everyone is going


    Pompeii- is awesome! full of ancient history..

  3. Not much to add except a few corrections to magwie's answer.  The Leaning Tower of Pisa is not 3 hours away, but it is in Pisa, not Florence.  You will need to take a train there- about a 1 hour train ride with all the stops.  It is something to see because it is such an iconic symbol of Italy, but you sort of just look at it, get your picture trying to push the tower back up and go.  

    Also the David is not located in the Uffizi Gallery- it is in the Galleria dell'Accedemia. Magwie is right though, the replica is just as amazing and is located outside so you do not have to wait in line or go through a museum to see it.  Both museums will be very crowded in the summer.  If you like art they are definitely a must see.  

    Enjoy your stay in Italy, it is a wonderful place.

  4. These are the places I would go. I've been to all of these.




    Catacombs of St. Sebastian

    National Etruscan Museum



    Leaning Tower of Pisa

    Archaelogical Museum

    Villa Medicea di Cafaggiolo


    Santa Maria delle Grazie (The Last Supper)

    Kartell Museum


    Pompeii and Herculaneum

  5. Well, I will start from Milan, because I know it very well. I have to say that you can avoid:

    - Kartell Museum

    - Museo Poldi Pezzoli

    Duomo and Pinacoteca di Brera and Santa Maria delle Grazie are in the centre of Milan! So in one day you can visit all the centre!!(one or two days if you stop in the shops...:))

    In Naplesyou can avoid Castel Dell'Ovo, the others are in the centre so it's the same thing of Milan. Don't worry if there are so many places, because in five minutes walk you can reach all the places if you are in the centre (so, if you are in a hurry, I sugges to take an hotel in the centre of these cities).

    Don't avoid to go to Ischia please!! I don't see it in your program, but you have to go!!If you can't Ischia, jiust go to Amalfi or Positano, they are very very near to NAples. They are beautiful, you can't avoid! If you have chosen the hotel in Naples, you can take a day to go by train to Amalfi, it isn't far and it's the most beutiful place in Italy, together with Ischia Isle!

    In Florence you can avoid:

    - Palazo Capponi

    - Villa Medicea di Cafaggiolo

    they aren't so famous! The other places in Florence are all in the centre!

    In Rome it's difficult, also because you have also to eat (and you can't avoid to try our food specialities): I would avoid the Etruscan Museum, but the others I can't! But, don't worry, all those places - I repeat - are in the centre!

    Just remember to eat:


    pizza (the true pizza :)

    pasta, cooked in all ways

    fish with potatoes...

    in italy we have the best food in the world :)

    bye bye|

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