
Anyone know who Stephanie Meyer likes, Edward or Jake?

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Does anyone know? I don't have time to look through the website. She probably likes Edward, since Bella, her character chooses him.

Which is too bad. I have to say, I like Jake better. He's more real and more fun. You can say who you choose here if you want. But I'm giving best answer to whoever answers my question.




  1. She prefers Edward over Jacob, though I think she likes them both to some extent.

    She's not creative enough to write out her character's preferences rather than her own. It's harsh but it's the truth.

  2. Steph loves all her characters, but I think she says she's an Edward girl, herself. Well, through Bella's eyes she loves Edward. Edward was always the one Bella was going to choose.

    I don't remember much else on the subject.

  3. I think she said that she liked Jacob, actually, but she wrote Bella with Edward for the obvious reasons.

  4. well...i have NO idea but im thinkin' that she likes 'em both...she did make 'em up ya...

  5. she loves edward more

  6. she's team switzerland she said so herself and does not like that almost everybody emails her and says why don't u just kill jake  

  7. She really likes Jacob more and doesn't like how everyone hates him.

  8. She likes Jacob more. She named Jacob after her brother. That's why she made Edward leave in New Moon, so the fans will get to like Jacob, too. She encouraged those who hated New Moon to reread it again, and see the fun side of Jacob, not the negatives. But obviously she has to make Bella choose Edward, because that's the purpose of the love story. At least she gave Jacob a happy ending, too.


  9. I don't know where I heard or read this; but, I believe that Jacob is her favorite. By the end of the series, he was my favorite as well. He makes me laugh.:)

  10. she said she couldn't get jacob out of her head, she didn't even intend for him to be in the rest of the books, BUT the book is a vampire love story, that is why she chose Edward.

  11. She likes both, and wished she could've ended up writing a happier ending for both.

    I heard it in an interview.

  12. Edward and it said she liked jake alot but  prefered edward thats not exactly y  bella picked him she said thats just the way bella would have done that. But she said the edward just seemed like a perfect (almost lireally) guy. She thought jake was the perfect friend while edward wouldn't really be a good friend but hes a great spouse/boyfriend !

    This should totally get best answere it,s true and i answered your  question. YAY hope i helped.

    P.s. she said with every book it sort of changed but now she can't really pick they are like her "children" in that you can't really pick no matter how hard you try she said if they were reall though shed probably be better friends with jake!

  13. Firstly Saddie my dear it's not Stephanie it's Stephenie.

    Secondly, she believes that considering she created both characters she shouldn't be forced to chose. However she has stated that she is more Team Jacob, only because she feels sorry for the scarce population of our dear Jacob's fans. :)

  14. In all honesty, I am not too sure who Stephanie Meyer likes more.  I can make the assumption that she likes Jacob, as the underdog character.  Or, I can assume she likes Edward because of her original intent to define his character as the main love interest.  I guess the answer might be open to your own interpretation.

    Happy Reading :-)  

  15. Stephenie Meyer loves writing about Jacob. I think he may be her favorite character. BUT she wrote Edward and Bella together from the beginning. She likes Edward for Bella, and Jacob for Renesmee.

  16. she says she loves them both! and has a soft spot 4 jacob cause there are so many people that hate*team edward*

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