
Anyone know who ruled argentina before it became independent ?

by  |  earlier

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was it britian or spain, or both ?




  1. Some thieving seamen

  2. Madonna - who also went on to captain the national football team.

  3. Spain was ruling Argentina until 1816.

    Was the "Virreinato" of "Rio de la Plata". ANother strongh preence of Spain in the region was the Virreinato del Peru. WHile Portuguese were ruling BRazil.

    THe indeendence proces of the entire region started in Buenos Aires, Argentina on may 25, 1810, then the revolution spread to CHile, Peru, Paraguay, etc.

    BRazilian independence proces was independient form the rest, since, as I said, they were ruled by Portuueses.

  4. Spain established a colony in Buenos Aries in 1580

  5. Madonna

  6. Spain, and the Falklands are nothing to do with mainland South America as they are in the middle of the South Atlantic.

  7. The  Spanish

  8. Spain ruled the mainland, whilst the United Kingdom ruled the Falkland Islands and still does.

  9. Not here.

  10. Argentina was ruled by Spain before became independent while Brazil was ruled by Portugal. The rest of the land of South America was ruled by Spain. Argentina became independent in 1816. Falkland Islands or Islas Malvinas were ruled by Spain until 1820, by Argentina between 1820 and 1833 and by Gran Bretain since 1833.

  11. It was a colony of Spain. When it became independent, they maintained relations with Britain. However, it was never a British colony.

  12. Spain for the east Coast of South America

    Portugal for the West Coast

    By Order of the Pope to settle a dispute between the two

    no one though t to ask those already there. But then that was how things worked.

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