
Anyone know who the major backers of Hillary Clinton are?

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Anyone know who the major backers of Hillary Clinton are?




  1. The fundraisers of Bill Clinton who catapulted him to the Presidency is again operating and this might make Hillary Clinton the next President.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  2. The poor, who like the idea of getting anything more from government in the way of benefits and services.

    The Hollywood crowd, who get elite and special treatment while the rest of us are relegated to serfdom.

  3. Al Quaeda.

  4. Lobbyists. Wal Mart Corporation, Banks, Law Firms, Hollywierd, ACLU, g*y community, illegal immigrants (yes they vote) Major pharmaceutical companies, Morgan family, Kennedy family, which is how she got elected to the NY senate and all of her fans from whitewater. JBHunt, Johnson and Johnson, and trek the profit of'll find ole Clintons are quite diversified. Mrs. Jones from Jones truck lines long ago supported Clinton and funded his whole campaign at one time. Osama Bin Ladin, yes the Bin Ladin family donates money his nieces are students at NYU. Imagine that.

  5. I hear Stalin's ghost has been spotted at her campaign headquarters acting like a giddy school-girl at the thought of his "Workers Paradise" being reborn...

  6. Not me.

  7. The ACLU.

  8. I heard one of them was Lucifer, but considering that Jerry Falwell was the source, I'm not sure that I believe it.

  9. Whoever they are....boycott them

  10. Intelligent, non fanatic, non red neck citizens, who keep this country going since over 200 years, despite the idiots.

  11. La Raza, Rupert murdoch, Bush family, walmart, military industrial complex.

  12. the same fat cats backing the GOP...same as it ever was

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