
Anyone know why I have difficulty falling asleep I fall asllep around 9am?

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Anyone know why I have difficulty falling asleep I fall asllep around 9am?




  1. You don't mention your age, or your routines or work load, As we get into a routine of falling asleep at a certain time, I bodies adjust to that time, I suggest going to bed around a good time at night, If you find that you cannot fall asleep  when you go to bed, get up and do what ever you where doing before bed, eg;  watch tv for a while, read a book or do something until you feel like you are ready for bed, and see how that goes, even a good bath before bed is great, it slows down the body and is great for relaxation.....take care

  2. may be your sleeping schedule is changed....try listening yourfavoritee music in night. you will feel sleepy after  some time.

    do not sleep at 9 am for once and control your sleep for whole day......then you will fall asleep in night.....

    if this doesn't work.....then you have to seek medical help

    as it may also be a disease

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