
Anyone knows about Leucotin for curing vitiligo? ?

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I bought a treatment from leucotin for vitiligo I just need to know if is safe to use it without any side effects? does anyone used it before? is it works well?

Thank you




  1. not much known skin doctor writes white pigment liver tab sun exposure and glycerin mix with ayur med

  2. I'm not sure about Leucotin but my 19 yr old son turned up with Vitiligo at the beginning of last year. I took him to the dermotologist and they wanted to do all kinds of sunlight stuff with creams and pills. Too expensive for my taste and it wasn't even a sure thing.

    4 month supply of pills to be taken twice daily stating on the bottle not to miss any doses and this will cure the Vitiligo. This has a money back guarantee for about $139. free shipping.

    Anyways, my son took the first 4 month supply, not faithfully like he was supposed to, and he started to get pigment back on his face. So I went ahead and ordered a second time (without getting my money back because he didn't take as directed).

    Now, because he is seeing results, he is very faithful in taking his pills. I knew there was something better out there that would work. I'm not sure if you will get the color back in your hair, but there is always hair dye for that.

    I hope this helps and gives hope to everyone with Vitiligo. We have really been happy with the results.

  3. I have vitiligo and I have not had luck with ANY treatment

  4. I think if you  have bought the leucotion you shoul apply this and not take any stress about the bad effects keep your thinking optimistic.

    use it as the instruction are given by the manufacturers of the medicine.

    As for as concern with the treatment of vitiligo, different people use the term Cure in different context, as regards Cure in vitiligo. Some use this term only for re-pigmentation of the existing spots, while others are concerned with complete eradication of illness from the body.

    If you mean second i.e. complete annihilation of the vitiligo from your system, that is a tricky matter.

    Vitiligo results from a derangement of your normal defense mechanisms against infection. The body starts producing antibodies against pigment producing cells of its own skin. No exact causes and remedies are known. This is a generalized abnormality of your immune system, and currently there are no acceptable permanent ways to overcome this process.

    The damage to pigment producing cells manifests as patches of skin, which have reduced, or no pigment. This is what bothers you, us and every one else.

    One cannot cure vitiligo or halt it, but you can manage the local manifestations (white patches) using oral or topical treatments.

    If you disease is limited and not widespread, you can go for a topical treatment.

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