
Anyone knows about ufo & aliens.?

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is really there aliens.

have any 1 seen them.

r they really very advanced type. (means they have great power's )

can a common men will get some benefits from these aliens.




  1. well... i dont know what you're looking for but... if these aliens are so advanced... why haven't we seen them? they would want the same thing we do: to know if there's more out there.

    so wouldn't you think we would've seen them by now?

    so... although there might be aliens... they are probably not as advanced as the human race.

  2. I heard that a glowing green UFO was spotted somewhere.I thing its moscow

  3. they are F-A-K-E they are not real, maybe there could be but not how humans imagine them.....they are probably small lookin weird things that swim and walk but not giant green ones

  4. some say we have seen them but some say they are mere imaginations but who have seen have seen there were news about craters forming in us and sights of ufos but even an organization has been setup for ti SETI-search for extra terrestrial intelligence

  5.                                 UFOs


    ckeck this from the Our Lady of the Roses,Mother of God and our Mother

        "For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air.... [Satan] will have great power over nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests...." - FROM THE APPROVED TEXT OF THE SECRET OF LA SALETTE


    "They are performing now prodigies and wonders to confuse and confound mankind. You call one of them the UFOs. They are supernatural manifestations from h**l. They are created in the minds of some by the demons, who are capable, because of great power upon earth, to control now the elements, nature." - Our Lady of the Roses, February 1, 1978


    "While We speak of agents of h**l, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets—extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of h**l in transport. Now you may ask, why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from h**l: Satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports.

         "There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 1, 1985


  6. if you can stand to be seriously freaked out, here is a talk on aliens:

  7. A majority of the world believes in God. But no one has seen Him so far. Some claim to have seen Him, but they cannot prove it to the rest of the world and particularly, the atheists.

    Now, we know that there is no chance of anyone seeing ufo or the aliens of the type described by you. Even if some one claims, will we believe in them?


  9. I havent seen them personally ;)

    Jokes apart, have heard a lot about them.. it has been shown a lot on Discovery channel, different news channel (forget abt Aaj tak, thats c**p)

    You;d find lots of videos on Youtube for aliens and UFO;s if you search. I have done some good research on this ;)

    Some of them are really scary...

    Do visit the below link, if u want to read about UFOs... nice article.

  10. well i cant all ur answers about aliens but i would suggest that u refer to or alien

    welll actually u should refer to

    it will answer all ur questions.

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