
Anyone knows bad kreuznach germany or lived there??

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Anyone knows bad kreuznach germany or lived there??




  1. Bad Kreuznach, or BK for anyone in the army that used to be stationed there is OK, not much in the way of tourism, but in a nice enough area.  I've never lived there, but I've gone through and past it quite a few times.  Now that the Army is gone, maybe they will get rid of some of the uglier army buildings a spruce up the place a little more.  Of course with the Army gone, there's a bit of pocket change missing also.  Hope to have hit some of what you were looking for.

  2. I lived in Schallstadt - 2 train stations north of it, towards Freiburg. I liked biking through there on free days - lovely. The whole area is great. Now I live "on" Lake Constance (Bodensee), but I miss it there. I have friends who are spending  a year working at the Kur there.

  3. It's a town on the river Nahe in the South-West of Germany. It has saline springs and is a well-visited spa. The town is lovely, it has kept a lot of its medieval character, and the area beside the river, with vertical red-brown cliffs is quite spectacular.

    There is wine being grown in the area, some of it the nicest Riesling around. Food is phantastic, and the people are very agreeable, although not a lot of them will speak English.

    If you go there I shall envy you, I'd love to go back.

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