
Anyone live in London?

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I was really considering moving there after college but I'm nervous.

Are their black people there?

What is there to do?

Any cute guys?

Average cost of living?

Unemployment rate?

How do you like living there?




  1. nope

  2. I Live in kensington which is close to the center of town and is very nice in my opinion.

    *In London there are so many people of all kinds of ethnic backgrounds, so yes there are many black people but there are many of others, you'll be mixing with loads of different people, not a great palce to be racist, unless you're cockney.

    *There is so much to do, every day something happens sometimes good and sometimes bad just like all other places. You can just walk around on a sunday and you'll pop into somethings special that is going on such as a fund raiser with celebrities or park bands. Everynight there are concerts, comedy stand ups and west end shows, this can become expensive but spread it out a little and you'll have a great time. I live in London and each and everyday I enjoy just taking a stroll around town, I also love photography so I pick up my camera and start snapping, great place to take photos, no need to feel embarased as everyone does it. There are also free things such as museums, art galleries. In the summer Regent's Park and others have free concerts, instrumental but it's nice to walk past for a couple of minutes if it's not your type of music

    *There are all kinds of people in london, you normally find in the center you have tourists and then the rich guys who live there in such places as mayfair. Like all other places there are cute and ugly people, that's life.

    *London is an expensive place to live with the average house costing around £350,000, and for snacks you're paying motorway prices over 50p for a mars bar, (not a great comparision but it shows something)

    *Unemployment rate is 13% I think

    *I love london so much, it is so easy to get around with the tube taking you almost everywhere, You can be involved in and watch so many sports, many green areas, hottest place in the UK (most days), something to do everyday, great shops, bars, resturants and clubs. You just can't get board of London even if you're broke.

    Hope This Helps

    Sam (A Londoner)

  3. 1. London is the boiling pot of the world there are sooo many black people here, amongst other races.

    2. Plenty

    3. OMG YESSSS lol

    4. Expensive

    6. It's not  perfect like on TV but I love living here

  4. Hmmm, sounds like you're looking for a cute, white guy with a decent paying job who can make living in (...insert any location) fun. Seriously, though, if you are planning to make such a HUGE move (you don't say where from) the first thing you should consider is whether the college degree you are earning will help you find employment.  You will probably need to live outside of central London and/or flat share to afford it.  When I finished college a few years ago, I was able to live and work in London on a special, temporary (6mo) work permit that let me get the work and living experience and still return home to all that was familiar. (Now, I am planning to return permanently.) It was all tough to do, alone--keep researching before you decide.

  5. Anyone live in London? Yes, about 7.5 million people...

    Yes there are plenty of black people here. Is that a serious question? London is the most cosmopolitan and tolerant city on Earth, seriously. You name 'em, we got 'em...there's something like 730 different languages other than English spoken within Greater London.  

    What's to do? If you get bored here, you aren't trying hard enough. And there's plenty of free stuff, so you dont need a lot of cash to keep busy.

    Cute guys? Out of about 3.8 million males in this city, I'm sure you could find at least a few that meet with your approval.

    Cost of living? Expensive, and then some.

    Unemployment rate? Within Greater London, currently about 3%. South-east England as a whole generally has a lower rate than the rest of the country.

    How do I like living here? Its far from perfect, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
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