
Anyone living in England!! What are your views...?

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I live over in America and England has always been in my interest ( Most likely since 5th grade). I'm a senior now and the college that I am going to attend lets those majoring in what I am, to study abroad. I'll be going to England of course. But I'd like to get to know England's views on a couple of things, to understand more about it.

1. America seems to focus on looks more than talent, or base opinions off of clothing, especially in the media, is it the same over in England, or is there a little more than judging off of a first impression?

2. Many Americans dislike our current president, do you agree that they should, or shouldn't? It is believed that Bush hasn't made the greatest choices in the War on Terrorism

3. Does our nation meddle with other country's policies a little too much?

3. What is it like over in England? I've heard it's very rainy, but in terms of the architecture and landscape, what's it like? What would you say is the most impressive building?




  1. 1. Well fashion here is great. People dress how they want to really. Of course there were fashion trends people follow more than others but most of the time i think within your clique you are respected whatever you wear.

    Of course your are going to have the Emos/Goths and then the preppy people who some look at like WTF because they are soo different to the majority but other than that most people don't care how you dress like.

    Mostly personality prevails here. We're known for our humour.

    Overall like everywhere else though i can't lie and say people don't get judged on first impression. Everyone has a first impression on something but it is up to you to try and change that but if the First impression is good then better it.

    2.  No i am not surprised Bush is disliked, he doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the box. I think the Iraq war was one of the reasons for disdain towards Bush also towards our own government.

    But from outside the U.S............. people saw the Iraq war as a way to deflect attention away from the inability to capture the person who in fact engineered the September 11th 2001 plane crashes.

    3. I think it does yes. Like for example aligning itself with Israel, they must not have be oblivious to how much trouble that would cause in the middle east surely. What is also funny is that the US then has a go at Iran for aligning with Lebanon?!?!?! Double standards.

    4. England is pretty much like America in the sense of TV culture. Everything else is obviously different i.e. how America pronounce and spell words differently. Also cars are driven on the other side of the road :p also we are sarcastic which can be seen as being rude but really it's just have some fun at eachother.

    And yes it does rain here in the winter months alot but the weather is mostly mild. It does get extremely hot late june and early july. Although you wouldn't have said that this year LOL it rained all the time.

    Architecture is old. There aren't that many new builds well in London anyway. Most impressive building, i wouldn't call it a building but go to Stonehenge it's beautiful.

  2. 3.b. yes it rains a fair bit but we do have decent weather sometimes. Our architecture is a lot older than what your used to in the USA but very beautiful from all periods Celtic to victorian.

    3.a umm personally i think that it gets involved a bit too much in what other countries are doing.. the impression of the whole georgian situation is that the usa has to keep an eye on russia because they're worried they will become more powerful than the US. Can't stand losing top dog status.

    2. Nobody here likes our current PM or your president. I agree he seems like a t**t. But then he isn't my president.

    1. Media is pretty much the same over here. But it depends what media you choose to look at .. gossips are going to all tell you to be skinny like so and so. but more conservative newspapers are likely to focus on talent.

    the bbc is a good site to look at.

    and just to tell you in most cases england is not the way it is portrayed in movies....  

  3. 1. Judgements based on looks are quite common in UK too, but there are also plenty of British people who look at other people hoping to see more than 'skin deep'.

    2. Many people in UK would agree about the president's choices regarding the 'war on terrorism', and many of us would also agree that our prime minister of the time made unwise choices as well.

    3. I'm not sure that the British should judge America on its foreign policies, as when Britain had an empire, Britan meddled in other countries' affairs fairly energetically!

    4. Yes, we do have a lot of rain, but we have great sunshine too. The rain makes our country wonderfully green and beautiful - especially in then wettest parts, like the English Lake District. Architecture is amazingly varied. In London, I agree with Paris; St Paul's Cathedral is wonderful (sorry Paris - it isn't in Trafalgar Square, it's much further East near St Paul's tube station). St Pancras buildings on Euston Road are also amazing, I also love Durham Cathedral, Coventry Cathedral, the Corn Exchange in Leeds - I could make a very long list!

    Hope this helps, and that you enjoy your time in UK, and feel welcomed here.

  4. 1) There are people in every country who base a judgement on how they present themselves and how they look. So it really does depend on the person who is makeing the judgement.

    2) Well, i think that backing your presidents decisions is good, however everyones entitled to there own opionions, therefore i cannot tell you how the people of America should react.

    3) I don't really know much about the American politics, so i cannot be of the judgement towards that.

    4) Yes, it does rain alot in England, but thats also on the positives for farmers. Well the major cities in England, are just like any other, very full, hot, lots of fumes ect .. However out in the country-side and around the borders, its very calm, lovely sea, and the land is very well kept by its ownerd. I would have to say, St.pauls cathedral, in trafalger sqaure.  

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