
Anyone lost a lot of weight in vietnam?

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I'm going to vietnam in a couple days with my mom and she says i'll be able to lose 20 lbs in a month and a half if i walk alot there. I've also heard of people who lost weight when they go back there. Anyone lost weight in vietnam? How much weight did you lose? Tell me more about it.. the more details the better.




  1. I always hear about the opposite. My family and friends that go there end up gaining weight from eating all the fabulous cheap food there...

  2. I know a few people that lost a lot of weight - but that was because of illness!

    If you eat VN food, and don't get carried away, you will probably lose weight - especially if you like walking around.

    Assuming you are used to fast food, grease, sugar, etc., the normal diet here should help you thin down. While more and more fat Vietnamese are here, most remain slim.

    One of my VN friend's daughter was putting on the kilos. She changed her diet, cutting back on the junk, and she trimmed down quickly.

  3. It's best to enjoy your trip, and enjoy the delicious fresh food they have!  Definitely don't hold back because you are trying to lose weight, you'll regret all those great foods you wish you would have tried.  Just make sure everything is in moderation.

    You will walk a lot if you want to walk a lot, but it is just as easy to hire a taxi or cyclo to take you around. In the end, if you are trying to eat healthy and be active it is definitely possible, but it will be work just as it is in your own home country.

  4. It is quite interesting but people normally "lose" weight in Vietnam.  I unwantedly lost 5kg.

  5. i usually lose10 lbs in 2 months, though on my last visit i lost 15lbs.....years back i would put 3-4 miles a day on a bicycle plus lots of walking[ almost 2-3hrs a day.. now that i'm older i dont ride a bike much but i still walk a lot. i know the key factor is i dont eat between meals as i do in the states. in viet nam i eat much healthier and smaller portions. a little mear/fish, vegies and viet nam i have too much to do. i'm always on the go , at home i watch a lot of tv and eat a lot of junk food...after arriving home i usually gain the weight back in 2 months .. but so far this time ive only gained 5 lbs back in 2 months..... enjoi your trip, keep busy, ride a bike walk, and go easy on the beer....and dont ever bring snacks back to your room!!!

  6. haha yes naturally the more you walk the more weight you will lose.  I on the other hand lost about 20 pounds from being there because I got an ameoba when I drank the water.  Unfortunately it caused me to go to the restroom about 2 minutes after I ate anything, but I was happy with the weight I lost.  But these are not good for you if you dont get rid of them they become a parasite in your tunny.  I would stick with lots of walking.

  7. even when you do nothing and eat normally you still lose weight.

    1.  the food is less fattening.

    2.  You will sweat so much that you will loose most of your water weight

  8. I didn't  lose any weight when I came back to VN. Since I enjoyed too much delicious foods and ride motorcycle only, so my weight keep the same.

  9. Daffodil - Sorry for not responding to you earlier. I'll make it up to you by giving you a well thought out answer.

    I lost almost 20 lbs in about three weeks on my first (recent) trip   to Vietnam in 2005. I lost 20 lbs again in 2006 when I was there for almost three months while I was getting married. I lost only 10 lbs in 2007 during my honeymoon and being there fro six weeks. Why did I loose all that weight? I believe it's a combination of diet, lifestyle and facilities.

    Let's be honest. American food is terribly fattening, which is why obesity is at epidemic levels here. Vietnamese food (and most Asian diets) contains hardly any fat. I ate much more when I was in Vietnam, but still lost a lot of weight What does that tell you?

    In Vietnam, if you're not walking somewhere, then you're climbing stairs. If you're not climbing stairs, then you're walking somewhere. You will do this every waking moment of the day in Vietnam, you're bound to loose weight.

    Most houses in Vietnam are two stories or more. The stairs in Vietnam are very steep (often 35 to 45 degrees). Just getting around the house is non-stop stair stepping. Add to this many of the buildings without elevators and steep stairs, you have more stair stepping exercise and you will loose weight. .

    if you're thinking about loosing weight while in Vietnam, I would advise you to stop thinking about it. You're all but guaranteed to loose weight without thinking about it. Just enjoy yourself while there and you will be surprised how many pounds you shed when you come back home (you will also be surprised how fast you gain them back..)

    Have a great trip!

  10. i lost  10kg. got food poisoning

  11. I seem to gain weight everytime I go. Yup, I'm one of those who believe " Live to eat"

    Gained 15 lbs the last time I was there 2yrs ago ... and still trying to take them off. How can I not gain weight when I don't have to wake up at 6am every weekday for work, are surrounded by so many delicious and cheap food (some u can't find in US). Ride taxi or motorbike to get around (yrs ago it was bike but not now).

    Hey, you're on vacation! so ENJOY ... then work your butt (and tummy) off when you get back to 'regular life'.

  12. Yeah, you go and explore everywhere by walking. The food isn't fattening either. Usually rice, pho, fish, chicken, really good!

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