
Anyone my age and can't drive either?

by  |  earlier

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im about to turn 20 and i cant drive. its all my dad's fault. when i was in high school and wanted to drive like all my friends he said no bc i would get into an accident. now im 20 or about to be and i dont have any interest in learning to drive. i dont have a car and we dont have the money to get me one so i kind of feel like whats the point. my dad wants me to learn now and im like why. i go to a school in a town where everything is with in walking distance or if not that i can ride the bus. should i learn to drive but ask for a car? maybe something my parents and i can purchase together. slit the cost. i just sort of feel like i dont need to learn now because like i said i can walk everywhere.




  1. Well if you don't have any interest in learning how to drive, then there's no need to worry about it, huh? Don't blame you not knowing how to drive on your dad. He was just protecting you! I waited until I was 18 to get my license, and I'm really glad that I did because I realize now that I definitely wasn't mature enough when I was 16 or 17 to uphold the responsibilities of driving and owning an automobile. It is a good thing to learn, so you can go ahead and get your learner's permit! It definitely wouldn't hurt. And you don't need to have a car for that either. Since you live within walking distance to everywhere you need to be, take advantage of that while you're still able to! Because once you start driving and have your own car, you won't ever want to walk around EVER AGAIN. Believe me. I used to walk miles to get where I needed to be, and now I'm too lazy to walk, lol. Now, as for a you have a job? Do you make enough money to afford gas and insurance, and all of the maintenence needed to keep your car in tip-top shape? If you do, then I'd look into saving maybe about a grand or so, and mabe working something out where your parents can match $500 to ever $500 you save up or something, and then work on a payment plan to pay them back. But for now, I'd suggest just getting your permit and testing the waters, saving up money, and keep on walking while you still want to :)

    Good luck, and sorry about the novel I just wrote, haha.

  2. I would still get the license.  You never know when you will need and it's just better to be prepared.

  3. my boyfriend turns 19 in sept and he cant drive yet. his mom wouldnt let him because his cuz on into a really bad wreak within the first week of him getting his lisence

  4. why should your parents have to split the cost of a car with you? its not like theyd have any use of it. you're an adult now, its up to you to buy things like that for yourself. i mean they can if they want to but thats not really something that you have the right to ask for and expect to get.

  5. you could still learn to drive, and get a liscense, My brother-in law has a liscence and has not driven a car in over 5 years, he chooses not to drive like you he walks and rides his bike ect,,, but you never know when you will need to be able to drive, Like in an emergency or something!!

  6. My friend is 23 and she can't drive, we live in an area where you can get pretty much anywhere by buss and it doesn't really bother her and it's not a dreadfully necessary skill, but do I think that you should learn just so that if a situation came up where you needed to drive you would know how. And about the car situation, I don't have a car of my own either, but I use my dad's car when ever I need it, why don't you use your parents' car until you save up enough money or some how or other acquire a car. Knowing how to drive just another useful skill and I think you shouldn't pass on it.

  7. well I'm 18 and i don't drive. i never really had the interest to learn how to drive either. i bought a car about 6 months ago, trying to persuade myself to get my license. well the only person who drives that car is my boyfriend!

    if you don't want to drive, cant afford it and don't really need it....then don't bother with it.

    my great-aunt has never gotten her license and it doesn't bother her one bit!!

    best of luck


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