
Anyone need help? / chat horses?

by  |  earlier

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If you're interested in any help with horses (I've been riding since age 7, ridden western but now ride dressage and do a bit of jumping, I've got a pretty decent idea of health care and a good idea of training - I've retrained an unridable horse that was going to be killed for aggression and have an OTTB as well as have trained other OTTB and retrained other horses.)

Email me at if you need help and i'll TRY my best, or msn me at if you want to chat about horses (I need horse-chatting friends) or want any help at all. :)




  1. Im always up for horse chat!

    I know a few things as well. Mainly breeding, care, training, and health.

    i want to teach my mare to jump, and so i know how to do that. but the only thing is i dont know how to use a whip. I have only had my horse for 3 years. and havent even riden her much. but she is a sweet little girl!

    I just have to get her use to riding again.

    Lol ive been told im a natural rider. My first time ever riding i choose a diffucult mare (just thought she was the sweetest little girl. plus she was seprated from the other horses, female, they were males, figure it out lol)

    But i rode her awesome! the next time i rode i was riding a stud horse, that i was told was not meant for beginers because he didnt listen well, again did awesome! lol and i was only like 6 and 8! then at 13 i got my own horse! yea!

  2. HI well ill e-mail u. But i was woundering why the horse i ride keeps on puting his ears back and kinda runs away from me and he never does that but the last to times he did do u think hes fed up or what???!

    Please help.

  3. hey my Windows Live Hotmail is

    message me

    i would love someone to talk to about horses

  4. Hi i love to talk about horses, especially my horse if you want my email is

    maybe you can help me with getting my horse in a creek?

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