
Anyone nervous about tomorrows eviction?

by  |  earlier

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Im so scared. My 2 fav housemates face eviction and now you see they are genuine running arond saying it.

I happy they won money

but im dont want any of them to go

they should both be in final.

but lisa should go

who else is scared about tomorrow eviction




  1. lol.. I so don't care anymore.. tonight was the first time I've watched it 3 weeks.. must admit though, was shocked to see that greedy b*stard Mohamed still in the house, and through all the basic rations, Kat still has not managed to develop a neck.  

  2. Yeah I can't believe those two are up when they are the best in there by far. If I had to choose I would rather Lisa stayed in as I have liked her longer and she has been in the house longer. They are both genuine and good housemates who BOTH deserve to win though!

  3. I'm not scared because I don't particularly care for either of them.

    Sara to go

  4. I couldn't care less who goes from those 2 but which ever goes there going with £25k tucked down their bra which is more than the rest of the evicted housemates have gone with and will go with except for the eventual winner !!

  5. nooooo! lisa to win!

    think sara will go tomorrow

  6. Scared - no way as I don't want either of them to be in the final.  If I have to choose I want Sara evicted as she has been nothing but a trouble stirring pr*ck teaser and didn't go in the House until half way so doesn't deserve to be there in the final with others anyway.

  7. Its a dilemma thats for sure....WHY OH WHY has the 'rejects of society gang' been allowed to get this far its an outrage!!!  I hope that SARA or LISA WIN BB..!!!!!!

  8. I guess Lisa & Sara are but with 25k in the bank I guess it's not too much of a prob!

    Me, passed caring this year!

  9. Lisa's favourite to stay,but i'd rather see Sara stay.

  10. i'm really fighting with myself to like lisa becasue of mario, they were awful at the beginning, and although i have warmed to her i just know that if she wins mario is gonna jump on the band wagon and we will have him shoved down our throats for ages !!!!

    i like sara though, wouldn't mind seeing her win but looks like she will go tonight

    so if thats the case i want rachel to win,  i think, i don't really know i'm on the fence with this one lol  

  11. finally that show is ending already  

  12. Yes I'm scared.................scared that BB might say it's a joke and neither one of them goes home tomorrow!

  13. i think sara should go..

    and lisa/rex should win XD

  14. Same here, my favourite 2 as well!

    I'm with PWM, past caring as well, as long as Mo or Darnell doesn't win

    I want whichever doesn't go tonight to win!

  15. i don't want either to go :|

    but if i had to choose.


    no sara.

    no lisa.

    defo lisa.

    i think...?


  16. tbh  not  bothered  either  way   considering  what a ******  Lisa  was in the early days  her  and Sarah  probs will be happy  to  walk  away  with the  25k  ,

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