
Anyone no any really funny blonde jokes?

by  |  earlier

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post as many as you want and links 2 funny sites if you want, but make me laugh as i'm feelin miserably bored atm




  1. One of the only blonde man jokes I've heard:

    A Mexican man, a Russian man, and a blonde man were at work at a construction site. When it came time for lunch, the mexican opened his lunch box.

    "Tortillas again? If my wife makes me tortillas one more time, I'm going to throw myself off of this building to my death."

    The Russian guy opens his lunch.

    "Beef stroganoff again? If my wife makes me beef stroganoff one more time, I will jump off this building and kill myself."

    The blonde guy opens his lunch.

    "Balogna again?!! If I get bologna one more time, I'm gonna jump off of this building and kill myself as well."

    The next day, sure enough, the men all got the same lunches and all three jumped to their death.

    At the funeral, the wife of the Mexican said,

    "I'm so sorry my husband! If I had known how you hated tortillas, I would have made you something else!"

    The wife of the Russian said,

    Oh my love! If I had known how you were sick of beef stroganoff, I would have made you something else! I am sooo sorry!"

    >>Everyone looked at the Blonde man's wife expectantly, waiting for her apology.

    "Don't look at me," she said  "my husband makes his own d*mn lunch!"


    Hope this made you smile a little!

  2. A blond picked up a thermos in the housewares aisle of a dept. store and asked her brunette friend...What is this? The friend said it keeps cold stuff cold and hot stuff hot. Ohhhhhh.

    The next day they met to go on a picnic. The blond had the thermos. What's in the thermos. Coffee and a Popsicle

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