
Anyone no how to write poems??

by  |  earlier

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i need a love poem.. if u got one can u send it to me thanks!




  1. Message me more information. I need to know who you're writing about, what they look like, personality . . .

  2. If you want have a look through my questions I have many

  3. Know.

  4. In response to your request/question, I have just written a love poem for you to borrow.  For whatever the reason, I hope it works.  Good luck!


    "I love you" are merely words that can be spoken;

    Often meaningless, full of promises broken.

    So if you love me, no need to mention;

    Just treat me with your sincerest intentions.

    Be there for me through thick and thin;

    Do not love me just on a whim.

    Hold me close within your soul and heart

    Never let go from the very start.

    Our feelings for each other will withstand the test of time

    And I will always be yours, as you will forever be mine...

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