
Anyone not playing the Subway Scrabble Game?

by  |  earlier

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If there's anyone that eats at subway, but doesn't play the scrabble game. Would you please save me your pieces....




  1. I would but am I supposed to mail them to you?

  2. How would I give them to you??

  3. I am not playing that subway game! I had some letters but gave then way. It's a waste of money for them.  

  4. im not because sometimes those things are scams!

  5. Hi,

    I kinda got addicted to this subway game, but then i realized the trick. You get letters when you buy a sub or drink there, and you might get all the letters to the word you want except one. That one letter, along with other letters are really rare. so you might be so close to winning something, but the one letter you want is rare. So you keep on going to subway and keep on buying food there, but you never get the letter you want. Some of the rare letters are L, N, A, , etc. Some of the most common are I, M, and B. I actually have a few extra i, m, and b's too. Anyway this subway scrabble thing is just c**p. Face it, you're not going to win 100,000 dollar jackpot or any airline tickets

  6. I haven't played the game yet and no I won't be able to mail a piece of the game if I ever decide to play because I don't know where you live.

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