
Anyone notice how the news media paints Palin as "little-known"?

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I think the media is as confused as Obama's camp. She's one of our 50 governors but Obama, one of 100 senators never was painted as little-known. Most people are lucky if they can name the senator of their own state, much less of one from Illinois.




  1. I just posted this same question at the same exact time as you. We think alike!!!!

  2. that's ok, cause after the election she'll be known as VP

  3. The media is liberal..and thus Obama walks on water

  4. Your question is based on the theory that all senators are equally well known - are all of the American gold-medallists from the Olympics equally well known - are all of the players from the winning superbowl team equally well known?

    On what basis do you think that all governors/senators are equally well known? Arnie would be quite upset with your analysis ;-)

  5. I heard of her, almost 1.5 years ago. But, then I'm in my mid 40's, still read books without pictures, watch the news, and can barley tell Britney, apart from Jessica, when I see them on TV.

    Hopefully, Palin represents the end of the line for the Washington establishment, who for 30, 40, 50, years, plant their behind in a chair, while we work, and tell us how to live. Of all the candidates, she's the only one who's actually worked for a living.  

  6. Yesterday while watching Cnn i was ready to puke. Unbiased journalism? It doesn't exist, 90% of journalist are Obama butlers. Shame on maninstream media.

  7. You are so right.

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