
Anyone notice the difficulty people at the RNC have with using a teleprompter?

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I guess they'd feel more comfortable doing it the old fashioned way...reading it from index cards.

I know this is newer technology, but why do you think the RNC speakers are having trouble with using a teleprompter? Is it because they actually have to LOOK at the people while speaking to them?





  1. This is the best nit pick you can come up with? Some one said Democrats were better speakers,guess what Hitler was so good he mesmerized the German people and Stalin talked over a hundred million to their Gulags and graves.  

  2. I would prefer index cards that I wrote out myself and could feel in my hands

    technology is not infallible;

    I appreciate intelligent, substantial oratory, but I'd rather see that as a manifestation of other qualities, not as an end in itself

  3. A few times the speakers had to stop for the noise of the crowd and the teleprompter keep going.

  4. Now this is desperation...

  5. Some speakers prefer to speak from notes on cards rather than read line for line on a prompter. It sounds more natural that way and is actually quite difficult to do. That's why only the Republicans can do it.

  6. I noticed no problems.

    It is funny when the reporter's teleprompters go down however.

  7. I think you are watching reruns of the 1968 convention.

  8. Mr OBama's use of the teleprompter is like an umbilical cord.  When it isn't working neither is his speech.  

  9. It's because they don't usually use them, which should be refreshing.  

  10. I have noticed that,it shows that the democrats are better speakers,in my mind obama is a much better speaker than Mcane,but i think the republicans will win,because Mcane chose a woman for vice president!

  11. LOL

    Are you serious?

  12. They have difficulty with everything. They pray for bad weather on Obama's convention & his ends up spectacular. There is a mess. They are always filled with drama. Angry outburst, crashes, held captive, 911, financial ruins, people losing jobs, 7000 a day every day losing there homes, etc. Yet they end up with lots of money for themselves.  Do they care if they do a good job for us? Iraq has a surplus of billions we have a deficit of day McCain needed to remember 1 line & needed a card to read it.

  13. Weeeeellllll,uhhhhhhhhhh,mmmmmmmmmmmmduu... least you can understand them...

  14. Here is your boy (Barack) speaking without notes:

    "Aaagh, ummmm, uhhhhh, aaagh......etc"

  15. Actually, while using a teleprompter, you have to look above the audience.  Unfortunately, Obama has much more experience having his nose above others.  

  16. Anyone notice the diffuculty the dnc has without a teleprompter?

  17. I love it when they break the word in half or hypenate it...and they pronounce it like two words...............until they do that mental head slap,  and realize it's one big word!

    Welcome to the Nat    ional ......(???)   GOP convention!!!

    (psssssssstttttttt----what does "ional" mean? "

    It's "NATIONAL" you FOOL!!!!!!!

    Christ, who picked this dame?!?!?!?

  18. Hmm, is it possible the technician working the teleprompter was actually a saboteur when he continued the text as Sarah waited for the applause to subside.

    Looks like she didn't need the teleprompter as she wasn't flustered and continued on.

  19. Yes, the TP had issues. Unlike Obama she was able to deliver her speech without it

  20. I noticed that Barak Obama can't even answer a question without one.  You know the guy who said Bill Aryes is just a guy in his neighborhood.  Just the guy who pays him.  Just the guy he went to for support launching his political career the SDS weather underground member who bombed the capitol, the pentagon and private residences.  The guy who is a declared enemy of the United States.

  21. They used one, but it was having problems.

    Imagine what would have happened if this happened to Obama. He would just stare into the camera and smile until the intelligent words came back up.

  22. Yes, I noticed that.  I also noticed the difficulty they had with telling the truth.  And another thing, They are such a stodgy group they are so low key and bored, I fell asleep on them. There is no true joy there.  I could definitely see that the qualities they espouse mean nothing.  

  23. You use a teleprompter, and see what happens when it scrolls right past half of your speech.

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