
Anyone noticing a pattern?

by  |  earlier

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is it just me or do the questions on here get progressively worse as the day goes on?

when i first get to work at around 8:30 am the questions are actually insightful and somewhat thought provoking

now its 2:45 and i guess thats when the little mtv punks are all awake and on the internet because these recent questions are just so stupid.




  1. Bingo

  2. lol

    it's funny that you keep referring to people as MTV punks and saying "go watch MTV"...   it's been at least 10 years since anyone over the age of 15 has watched MTV.

  3. Rush Limbaugh show ends at 3pm.


  4. blame the socialists/liberals. they're just getting out of school at this time, so expect to see a surge of dumb immature questions.

  5. They just love the Idea of not having to work when they get older and get the handouts the Democrats Deity is promising

  6. Truely! But you forgot to add, weve been at work and drinking coffee, thus attributing to Snippy quick and shorter answers in responce to the teenie bopper bombbardment, and MANY more typossssssssss... Sorry  there it went again.

    Dont worry! school starts soon!

  7. Yep..the YouTube generation is here.

  8. Yes, it's gotten ridiculous lately.  It seems to be overrun by moronic trolls.  I don't even bother giving them a serious answer anymore.

  9. You are astute. I hadn't really noticed. But now that you mention it, yes, I agree. I haven't been answering that many questions.  

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