
Anyone on Birth control now or in the past please help me!!!?

by Guest58980  |  earlier

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I accidentally forgot to take my pill. I usually take them at about 11. And i didnt take this one till about 11:55.

Am i ok? or did i s***w something up?

Ive only been on the pill for a little under two weeks but idk if i screwed anything up..




  1. You should be ok. It is fine as long as you are not more than 2 hours off your time when taking it, otherwise it is considered a missed pill. However, if you have only been taking the pill for a little under 2 weeks, the first month is the most important. You should probably use a backup method the first month just to be sure.  

  2. you'll be okay. its  human nature to forget once in a while but just TRY really hard not to. =) 55 minutes later wont do much. but like i said TRY to take the pill at the same time every night.  

  3. No, you're fine. It's good that you are taking them at the same time every day, but an hour late is not a big deal.

  4. No. You should try to take your pill at the same time every day, but an extra hour isn't going to make a difference. It's only a problem if it starts to be on the order of 3-6 hours, in which case there's a slightly greater possibility you could get pregnant.

  5. While I was on the pill, I was told it needed to be taken everyday at the same time. If I missed one are took it late then I needed to use back up protection. Hope this helps

  6. You'll be fine. It happened to me once. As long as you take it within two hours of your normal time, everything should be okay. If you have the instructions for your pill, read over them to make sure. Otherwise, don't sweat it. Good luck!

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