
Anyone on here a ghosthunter/paranormal investigator?

by Guest33257  |  earlier

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Its a great hobby that i really about you?




  1. Yes,  Ive been interested in this line of work since 2001.  I had an experience whilst making a late trip home from work on the bus.  I usually cycle but over the winter months I get the bus.  I work a late shift in a working mens club.  When I get the bus,  I always see an elderly chap,  wearing a flat cap waiting at the bus stop at the other side of the road.  Over time, maybe 4 to 6 weeks,  he appeared to acknowledge me with a nod of the head.  I responded with a nod,  and a thumbs up.   As it was late I assumed hed maybe finished working too,  or maybe been out for a late night drink.   Anyway, this went on for approximately two or three months.  Then one month,  late January,  I went for the bus after work,  about 2 am,  it was absolutely teaming down with hale stones.  I couldnt wait to get home.  Whilst waiting for the bus,  just made it with a minute to spare,  I stood just past the bus stop, under a tree for shelter.   I looked opposite,  wondering where and if the elderly chap was.  I couldnt see him.   Then as I looked down the road at the approaching bus,  I sensed something behind me.   As I turned,  the chap was stood right behind me.  I jumped forward in shock,  into the middle of the pavement and rain.  He had a very, very pale face and a blank expression on his face.  Then,  without any hesitation he lunged forward,  almost floating.  I was that shocked I hadnt realised that the bus had just pulled up at that time.  I shot up the bus steps,  but was pulled back.  The spirit had clasped on to my left leg.   I struggled,  but it kept pulling on my leg,  just like im pulling yours.

  2. no am not but sounds fun

  3. I'm a proffessional paranormal investigator.

    I love catching gosts in empty bottles.

    Have a large collection here....

  4. uhh no..


  5. Yes,sadly just about anyone can call themselves that.I call them the silly, in search of the unfindable

  6. Hi

    I have been working with our local ghost hunting group for a few years now.  I come from a family of psychic gifted people on my mothers side. Granny was a psychic and astrologer,  Mom is a psychic but not active.  I have psychic gifts, seem to attract ghosts (ghost magnet), audio psychic is my best skill, I  can "smell" a ghost -kind of smells like a burnt ozone smell,  and see ghosts from time to time.

    Joining a local group is fun, you get to share experiences and learn new skills from others in the group.

    I also belong to a side group for just psychics and we work on bettering our skills.

    A good ghost hunting group has a good mix of people, some see, some feel, some are techies, some are able to channel, and some just take great pictures.

    I love it because I don't feel like the only who saw the strange thing and no one else did, and you can talk about it with someone with out that look like your a nut.

  7. I have a soul sister who is a Medium. We are both and are born on the same day. She is very gifted. This isn't a hobby !! Keep out of the darknesses !

       I greet newcomers in a positive direction and energy

    sometimes as follows >

    I want to begin by congratulating all who are opening up their eyes and opening up their ears to the call they are hearing on the inner planes, for they are receiving their message from their own inner being and desiring growth in this lifetime. Many of you are feeling this because you have been called before the Lords of Karma and are being shown what needs to be accomplished by you or by your soul’s essence to make a complete ascension in this lifetime, and many times, it is service work that you are being asked to do. This does not necessarily mean that each person is being called to become a medium, but they are certainly here to assist others into the light and into the higher patterns that are coming forth from the higher heavens and anchoring to those who are ready to receive it.

  8. No Iam not one but usually in my home town there is ghost walks. Iam not too sure to go one one as knowing me Ide end up crappin myself!!!. I live in Britians Oldest Recorded Town so there is plenty of ghosts about!!!

  9. I used to do House Cleansing for people that had ghosts running around their house. I have stopped doing so because I've gotten so busy with the grand kids. It is a great hobby and can be a great help for those that are afraid they are crazy and need help and have no where to go.

    Good luck and I hope you help alot of people out.

  10. why go looking for them.....

    dont tell me you used too work for the tax

  11. it is not my hobby but by experience i learn something from this paranormal phenomenon.most ghosts are restless and they keep on saying something but failed to express clearly .maybe of the wrong choices they made or they want to make other people become their victim by telling lies and believe what they are be careful!

  12. that is so cool! i would want to try and do that kind of stuff, but i would be 2 afraid... :-(

  13. That's interesting, zachary9351.  The same could be said for Christians or any other religion for that matter.  Searching for and believing in something that will never be found.

    I would think that anyone who scientifically searches for ghosts and the paranormal could be called a ghost hunter.  I have done it numerous times.  I've seen and heard some unexplainable things but I've yet to find the definitive proof.  And I might not ever find the proof.

    But just think where we would be if Columbus hadn't set off on his little voyage because no one believed he'd find the passage to the orient.

    Think where we'd be if scientist decided to stop trying to find cures for diseases because someone said it was impossible.

  14. I've never done it but I would love too!! I've seen things that I can't explain so I believe !!

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