
Anyone on here ever encountered a ghost?

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I have doubts that they exist but my sister swears shes seen one before one late night and it pulled covers over her body.

It was an old lady and Im guessing she was just looking after her.

But is it physically possible for a ghost to lift up things and touch them when they themselves are intangible?

If you have any good stories, please share :D




  1. Yes, ghosts exists they dont disturb us unless we disturb them.

    I know one story of Ghost Delivery.

    Once there was a doctor. One day at 12 am night there was knock on his door and he heard someone was calling him for help. Though doctor was tired and busy for the whole day, he went to open the door and found a tall, dark figure, the ghost. The ghost was requesting the doctor to come to his house because his wife was having labor pains for the delivery. Doctor was afraid to see this typical figure but he went with him to see his(ghost's) wife. Ghost took him to a nearby isolated house where he took the doctor inside the house. The room was like a cave  the doctor went with him inside and found Mrs.Ghost rolling on the ground with the labor pain. Doctor helped her and she delivered a big baby ghost. Delivery process took 2 or 3 hours. Mama and baby ghosts were normal. Papa Ghost was very happy with doctor and the Papa Ghost  thanked the doctor, dropped doctor back to doctor's home but before that Papa Ghost gave a hanful of big pieces of coal as fees to the doctor. Doctor was already afraid to see the whole family he didnt  said anything to Ghost took and kept those pieces of coal in his pocket. But after bidding bye to ghost he threw all those coal pieces near the door, went inside his home and slept. In the morning when he was about to wear his pants he felt some pieces of coal in his pocket. Doctor was very angry and was about to throw those pieces when he took out the coal pieces he found gold pieces. He rushed back to door to collect  those coal pieces but didnt found any.

  2. Well they can lift things .But they r not ghosts they r other people living in some other dimensions probably 4th or 5th .Not all of us can see them.But probably only those people who have some kind of defect in their eye ( which even doctors have not able to researched till now that even that is a defect which lets us c through our 3rd dimensions).Not all of them can change themselves to human and scare but some of them and not all r bad .They r just living like us but , some r bad and they scare us by lying to us that they r spirits or ghosts .They live longer than us , may be 200 or 500 or some even 1000 years .As we live in 3rd dimensions they live in some other  dimensions i believe cause of which we r not able to c them or hear them, but i don't know which dimension ...................well m not 100% sure but science is getting through this dimensions thing.And i even had watched a video on youtube in which a physicists was saying that there MAY be more dimensions , because if we have more dimesnions it gets very easy for us to explain the ghosts and spirits and all that which we can't c and hear and specially those "ALIENS" . And that physicists was saying something related to "20 constants" and if we relate all that constants then we r coming to the conclusions of having more dimensions like 4 or 10 or even 20.Well i need to search more about it , when ever u read this just give me a reply i wanna know what r ur views on this which i had found on youtube.Take care.........cheers :-)

  3. haha well it was late at nite oor early morning and i was watchin tv starting to fall asleep haha

    my door was locked and also my computer was on

    so then seconds wen fallin asleep i wake up and my tv screen turns off and also my computer monitor haha and im like wtf and as i wake up scared i can see a faded figure like person walking oh and im still tired and dazing my way to sleep so my eyes were barely open but yah so i kno i didnt add a timer to my tv and stuff so yah it was soooo wierd haha it look like a guy about 5'7"ish and wow haha it was like a white faded walking thing

  4. Well, this didn't happen to me.. nor did i witness any of it but my whole besties family swears it true.

    So this happened in a country house in Texas

    My friend Megan was probably about uhm 6ish. And there was a rocking chair in there living room. Apparently it would rock back and for and an old woman (a gost) sat in it. So anyway my Megan would talk to this ghost and her name was Granny Smith. lol. She wasn't a haunting ghost or anything just an old woman sitting in the rocking chair. So one night her older brother was watching her and call his sister/mom? freaking out cause his sister was talking to an empty moving rocking chair. lol

    Oh and if i remember right sometimes the t.v would change channels and stuff.

    ..Some of my details may be a bit off cause i was told this story like 2 years ago and again none of it happened to me. But I just love that story.

    Also.. My Aunt had a son that passed away when he was real young and like 15 years later at her daughters? wedding in almost every photo there was a small light like thing. We believe that it was her son's spirit. The little light was always in  a different spot, and was different sizes so there was no way it could be a glitch in the camera. Also no mirrors were around it was an outdoor wedding and the light was usually in group pictures. It was really neat. && no my family isn't some odd ghost/spirit obsessed family.

  5. I actually stay in a home where achild was killed by his abusive father amd I seriously sometimes hear voices int his home it go so bad where is I audibly heard the name Teddy this spirit said"Teddy  did it" COMe to find out the child's father's name was Theodore McClellan. It spooked me out and I moved out immediately i can handle pests but ghosts hmmpphh..

  6. No one can prove whether or not ghosts exist really, it is all subjective. Those who want to believe will see, those who don't, wont. I never used to believe, I do now as things were shown to me that I could not avoid or explain; although others may say they can be explained. Enjoy the paradox and enjoy life, the mystery is what makes it all the more entertaining :)

  7. yes i had

    few years ago,while i was having a nap

    i felt someone was tickling my left foot and i thought it was either my dad or my sis

    but ended up, there's nobody at home

    few years later,my sis/dad (i forgot) saw some white figure or something

    then we asked a psychic and see if there's "anything" at home

    and we were told that spirit were killed and so happen to "stay" at our house

    thats all i can remember

    P.S : stuffs that we can't see doesn't mean they don't exists

  8. Nope, they don't exist.

  9. I thought I had once, but it turned out to be a limb creaking in the wind.

  10. yeah it probably is true

    but i wouldnt be scared

    if u eva see one talk to to it

    trust me it works!!


  11. There is a haunted resteraunt in the town I grew up in called carousel Gardens...many people say they have seen a "ghost" there When I was 14 my friend and I went with her uncle to the resteraunt..which used to be the house of the womwn who aupposedly haunts it today, since my friend's uncle new the people who owned the place we were allowed to visit the attic part of the house where the woman's belongings where. We started to take photographs and later had them developed at the local pharmacy

    In one of the pictures you can clearly see a white mass behind us, there were no mirrors in the room, only a velvet curtain hanging up...we were featured in the local paper, and the picture still hangs in the resteraunt...we were also contacted by the warrens, and they use our photo in some of their shows

    Click this link...we are the photo in the upper left hand corner

    1 year ago

  12. I believe anything is possible, to be quite honest. The reason for that thinking is because look how many things go unexplained and how stories are written. Quite odd.

    Well at my grandmother's house down in the deep country of north Texas in Combine, which her house is around fifty-ninety years old, apparently there is a ghost. I have had one encounter with what I thought was a ghost. Well when I was around eight or nine, I was sleeping in the living room on a fold out couch. Well I was supposed to be asleep but I couldn't catch even one Z! Well I sat patiently closing my eyes back and forth, such an impatient child I was, until I glanced up and saw to what appeared to be an ashtray hovering over my head. Well I remember staring at it for awhile then out of nowhere, it came down and cracked me on the skull. I remember screaming and crying up a storm. Fortunately, it just left a cut across my forehead. That was my ghost experience.

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