
Anyone on here every been to blackpool pleasure beach and been on the passage del terror walk through ride ?

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just at the entrance of blackpool pleasure beach, there is this thing that you walk through and characters from horror films chase you and come after you.....its horrible!!!!!!

i love horror and thought id be fine but i totally freaked out big time!

anyone else been on it?




  1. oh my god i have been on this i was absolutely terrified i was about 18 when i went on it, i was crying and screaming for my mum (she wasn't even there with me) i actually asked if they could stop it and let m out never again!!!!  i was terrified, but i cant even watch scary films so i suppose everyone would react differently

  2. I went in it the last time i went to Blackpool and i loved it it was very realistic I'm going again soon and will definitely go in it again its a little expensive though but worth every penny.

  3. Live near Blackpool, never been on the pleasure beach for years.

  4. Hi lol I wont go in the passage del terror , Im wimp lol, me and my husband went with my mother in law when we were first going out, I volunteered to look after my now sister in law as an excuse not to go in lol, but they went in and I waited in the bar that the walkthtough ends at and I loved it when they had the TV there in the bar as you can see the way people look before they come out and they are terrified, it cracked me up as when my hubby came out the look on his face he was really pale and his brother and mum were screaming lol.

    I use to love it when there was a group of lads that come out and before they come out they look terrified and then when they come out they act as there not scared when we just witnessed they were lol

  5. Yes - it's the scariest thing ever! I don't even know what the last thing was - I just ran screaming into the bar and had a large brandy!

    At Warwick Castle they have a similar thing called Ghosts Alive - it's just as scary. I am going again on Saturday!

  6. Horrible i hated it the only funny part was sending are friend in after us and watching her run out haha she looked like a ghost!!!!!!

  7. Yes, twice and it is amazing!!!  Though probably a little overpriced.

    Last time I went with my mate and she was so scared she ran into a wall.   Obviously I laughed my a*s off haha.

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