
Anyone on litheim does it help you??explain?? 10 points best one.,.?

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Anyone on litheim does it help you??explain?? 10 points best one.,.?




  1. My sister-in-law was on lithium.  Once the doctors got her levels right she was fine.

  2. I have been on Lithium for over 10 years.  I think it is a great medication because it has really helped stabilize my mood.  The hardest problem is that I am thirsty all the time, but I carry water with me everywhere.  I did gain some weight, but not too much.

    When I started Lithium, there were some side effects like diarrehea and trembling hands.  But these side effects went away after a couple of weeks and by changing the time that I took my Lithium to taking it with dinner.

    But it really helped stabilize me and I continue to take it.

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