
Anyone out here who liked Maria Sharapova's or Serena William's or Venus William's outfit at roland garros?

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I do not understand how could some people like venus's dress.It looks like a school uniform.




  1. I liked Venus's the best it's so classy and elegant much like Venus herself, and the colors look great on her. Maria's outfit is second best, the skirt is really cute, but I'm not to sure about the top it's got cuts in the wrong places and the bows are a little tacky, but it's a nice color. Serena's outfit isn't that bad, but it doesn't flatter her at all, the skirts very cute and I love the navy with the vanilla white, but the top of it is what I don't like. It looks like Serena is suffocating in the shirt a little. But all the ladies look great overall.

  2. Maria's outfit, as always, looks great on her.  She's the best-dressed player in my opinion.  I don't really like Venus's line that much.  It looks a little cheap, which I suppose it is considering that's the kind of line she wanted to make (everything is supposedly $19.95 or less).  Serena's outfit is OK, kind of boring, and it makes her look top-heavy.

  3. Haven't seen Maria or Venus yet but Serena's look was as tacky as we have come to expect from this fashion disaster zone. As far as fashion and good tatste are concerned,Serena's outfits are ground zero!

    Now Venus is another story. Was it last year that she appeared in  those super elegant dazzling white shorts, set off by those amazingly long legs that just seemed to go on forever? That was the classiest fashion act of the tennis season.

    I'm afraid that Miss Sharapova is going to continue to rival my mother-in-law's Christmas tree (neither of these women has been able to grasp the minimalist concept of "less is more") Something tells me we are in for a glut of long,dangling ear-rings.

  4. Don't forget that Nike makes the outfits and the players chooses them.  Many times they have very little to do with the designs.  Because of a player's personality someone might suggest something but  the player has to make the final decision what to wear.  Not everyone has good fashion sense.  I hate the fact that Sharapova and Jelena and others cannot play without make up.  They are always painted up to go play a match.  I love Serena's outfit.  The color is perfect for this time of year.  Sharapova's today was simple and nice but I think for a young girl she need to add a little more color.  It is summer now time for beautiful colors but it could be because of her  complexion colors doesn't look good on her.   I do not like Venus's she need more color and a different style.  Something simple like a dress would be nice for her.

  5. yup i loved sharapova's outfit but ive always loved her outfits namingly her slam ones. serena's one was a bit idk how to explain but i didnt like it wen i saw it and venus' one was extremely normal and to be honest i didnt like that oufit one bit it looked more a cheer leader girl's outfit lol

  6. no. *sigh*

  7. I like Maria's, it is the best by far. It is simple but has a touch of elegance. For Serena's, it's good that the colors of the shirt and skirt coordinated well unlike the one her sister was wearing. And for Venus', oh yeah, i read someone's comment that it looks like a cheerleader skirt... i do agree... i and my sister laughed about it when we saw her play... it's like she's up for cheerleading than playing tennis.

    "1, 2, 3... Hey! Hey Venus! Hey, hey... Hey, Venus! Whatchu wearing, huh?!" =)

  8. I liked Maria's, and usually I hate what Maria wears, she trys way to hard (crystals and fairy wings anyone?). But for once she is looking like a tennis player and wearing the colour of the season (along with Roger), navy blue. Serena and Venus look Ok, I like the high waisted skirt thing Venus has got going on but I feel they are always too short. I really dislike what Ana is wearing with a passion, I know you didn't ask about her but had to say it.

    Ohh just saw Jelena is wearing blue nail polish.... very in vogue:)

    Edit: Btw Sheri, players actually have a huge say in what they wear, both maria and roger have opted for custom made outfits (wimbledon for example) and almost all top seeds have their names on their shoes. More thought goes into their fashion than what you might like to think (not everyone, just some... maria roger nadal etc etc)

    Oh and  I dont have a prob with them wearing make up, if I was going out on international TV id wanna be wearing make up 2!!

  9. I like Maria's outfit.   Venus' is by far the most plain one out of the three.  And Serena's is a good outfit by itself, but it only makes her look bigger.  It's definitely a major improvement from those hot pink and purple numbers she usually goes for.

  10. I think Maria Sharapova`s outfit is nice. I also like Serena`s, nice and bright it suits her well only thing id say is she needs a better bra that one barely supports her at all lol Im not a big fan of venus`s thats my least favourite out the 3.

    Vamos Rafa x*x

  11. ugh....we've seen those outfits the williams sisters have been wearing for ages now. nothing new or exciting.

    the only thing i like about maria was that jacket. it was rather fitting for the elegant and romantic atmosphere of RG.

  12. Sharapova, as always, is the best-dressed among them. The dress looks pretty yet simple.

  13. I like Marias the best then Venus' and then Serena's outfit. Serenas is very dull and boring. I like the skirt that venus wears but i am sick of the tops she wears. Maria's outfits are always classy but stylish. I like it. Although, the tiffany earings that she wears aren't that spectacular. A little bit too simple. I thought she would be wearing something more noticiable.

  14. I liked Maria Sharapova's outfit the best

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