
Anyone out ther affected by the Varanus Island gas explosion in WA??

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A couple of weeks ago a gas pipe exploded dropping our state industrial gas supply to about this stage homes are unaffected....The company I work for has closed down half of its plant & is only getting out about 30% of production. The morale of the crew is very low, but fortunately, for now our jobs are safe so I really feel for any truckies etc out there who are now unemployed...I think it was so rude that another gas supplier was auctioning off gas at a higher rate just to take advantage of the situation.....also, we are still exporting it!!!!

Its pretty devastating & won't get any better for at least another 2 months at a minimum....




  1. I must say it has not affected me as yet (time will tell).

    I just hope they get all the resources on the island to repair the problem.

    What worries me is that we have Woodside just down the road that does not seem to worry about the situation at hand, or should I say they are probably sitting back to see what the western Australian government are going to ask and hey how much is it all going to cost us for some sort of help.

    I work in the trades area myself and if they want me to go to help out, they should I think give some sort of help line number for people like myself and others who are prepared to give a helping hand. I think when you say about companies auctioning off gas at a higher rate is absolutely some what correct, but on the other token I know woodside sell gas to Asia so much cheaper than we can buy it for, just off our back door step so to speak. Anyway hope you get something going here as the whole thing seems to be turning into a horrible type of cancer.

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