
Anyone out there brighter than me?

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When I asked my supermarket manager why an item (which shall be nameless for the purpose of my illustration) was priced at £2.99 he said because people expect to pay about that for this nameless item, although it could be sold at a much lower price and still make the company a profit and that's how, for example, we are able to take 50% off at Xmas should sales slump and only dent our profits.




  1. You poor man!

  2. Your amazing, can i touch you?

  3. And the news is?

  4. I'd say your supermarket manager is brighter than you, since you had to ask him the question and he knew the answer.

    But point taken, we consumers are all being ripped off during the festive season.

    Good will to all...

  5. and you have to ask

  6. there's always someone 'brighter' / faster / stronger / etcetera

    i had appearantly falsely assumed that what you described was more or less common knowledge  =/

    the brightest people alive right now cannot be found on yahoo answers

    you might enjoy a little bit of reading from Stephen Law. he is a professor in UK and has some interesting things to say. i encourage you to read at least one of his books. chances are you'd enjoy it and learn something along the way.

  7. i`ll bet no there`s no one as dull

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