
Anyone out there doing/done jury service? Would you share your experiences of it with me? If not confidential?

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Please I only want to hear from people who have done jury service. I'm not looking to be excused from it as have just begun. IMO it's a very important duty!




  1. You can talk about it, after the verdict. I sat on a jury for an automobile accident. It took one day and we reached a verdict. Fairly boring and simple.

  2. I've actually done it twice, and have been excused three times because I have a family member who works for the D.A.   Once you adjust to the idea of missing work for no pay, it actually is very interesting.  I had short cases that were pretty straitforward, and found the whole process entertaining.  The lawyers and Judge all have such different approaches and personalities, it is almost like watching a play that you get to participate in.  When it is over you feel pretty good about yourself for having done your civic duty.

  3. Nah-uh i thought you weren't supposed to discuss it. I've never been called for jury duty but i've been to a few court cases before. Some places you can just walk in (according to my sociology tutor, it's our right) and all we did was look on the board as to what we fancied seeing and then watched upstairs. A few i've been to are dead of the court people were texting on their phone and yawning every two seconds. But they can be interesting, the last one was about a stabbing of two guys.

  4. I have always been excused.  My impression is that it is very boring.  You will be excused if you know anything about the case, if you have ever been involved in law enforcement, or if you have any opinions about the case.  You will be excused unless your mind is a blank slate and you can be persuaded by the arguments of an attorney.

    I was called for the case of the "mistaken circumcision".  The plaintiffs were Polish.  In their culture only Jews are circumcised.  Every man in the pool was asked if he had been circumcised.  Then we were asked if we spanked our children.  I was excused after I  said the case was ridiculous.

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