
Anyone out there fancy a nice earner with the Greater Manchester "police"?....?

by Guest57530  |  earlier

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.....There,s a nice little number up for grabs RIGHT now,...£168,000 P.A.+! All you have to do is step into a dead mans shoes! You need no knowlage of the law because you will have no say in ANYTHING that goes on, (thats the bent coppers dept.) and you can leave whatever integrity you may have, in the cupboard with the out of date biscuits!




  1. There was no need for Gooble-de- **** .You could have said that in a sentence.

  2. I don't know...what size are the dead mans shoes..cos i don't like paying for my own know! . :)

  3. This suits my skill set down to the ground where do I apply?

    I never had any integrity baggage to start with!

  4. Back again I see under another alias,and as usual running down the police again.

    God forbid the day you will need help.

  5. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  6. Well, instead of endlessly whinging about the police, you could apply for and get this job and change things from the inside.

    Or you could just sit on your ar5e and moan. Up to you, really.

  7. You could always apply yourself. I've heard you like biscuits.

  8. Where do i sign?

    I do not have any out of date biscuits the government has made sure my cupboard is bare.

  9. Lets hope the new top copper doesn't top himself like the last pillock! Can't trust any of the Greater Manchester lot !

  10. Could you forward me an application form please. I don't eat biscuits so that won't affect me.

  11. Maybe the new CC might sort out the c**p in Manchester. I'm told there is plenty!! Is that right STAND????

    Joan K - 4 thumbs down.... what a surprise!!!

  12. Sounds good, where can I get an application form?  Do I get more money if I do have knowledge of the law and some integrity?

  13. Change the record.

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