
Anyone out there have NLD???

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(nonverbal learning disorder)




  1. NLD is a due to neurological difficulty in the right hemisphere of the brain. This is the area of the brain which processes nonverbal or performance-based information, including visual-spatial, intuitive, organizational, evaluative and holistic input. Usually when an IQ test is done, an NLD child will score significantly higher on the Verbal portions of the test and score much lower on the Performance items on the test.

    Kids with this disability often have motor issues and may be clumsy or have problems with balance and coordination. In addition, the frequently have difficulty processing visual information and thus have poor spatial awareness.

    They may find it very difficult to copy visually perceived information or line their math problems up on a page. This leads to problems with spatial orientation and they may not notice personal space.

    They also may have relatively poor social cognition. They may find it impossible to read expressions or interpret social cues. They may need to be specifically taught these behaviors.

    They do not comprehend part to whole learning very well, so they need a model of what they are going to finish with before they begin learning something. They frequently have a math disability.

    Sometimes these kids are thought to have Asperger's syndrome, but they DO NOT have the obsessive behavior that accompanies this disorder.

    On the positive side, these kids are frequently are precocious, highly verbal, can learn to read quickly by rote and have excellent rote memories.

    There is an association devoted to this disability. It is called, guess what, The Nonverbal Learning Disability Association.

  2. Yes, that and a variety of  other learning issues. Why? Fealing lonely, because you arn't the only one, not to worry. Don't let yourself get to frustrated. Don't loose heart. Just be strong. It's hard to have LD, I know, so if you ever need a friend in the same boat, feel free to email me

  3. Some of my students do!

  4. My son does, does that count? lol!

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