
Anyone out there start their own small preschool? Advice? Is it satisfying? Any recommended resources?

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I already know the regs required by my state, but I am looking for other helpful info, such as start up cost estimates, resources, advertising info, helpful hints, etc . Thanks!!!




  1. Why not start at your home.....then expand....

    Moms like you and not want to worry....

    Yes, start at home, no overhead....then will have many children.....

    Yes, you have it all, right now to start the school. You are new, do we know you?

  2. I've said this before.... ask other preschool teachers if they can lend you their resources or ask where they get theirs. Most of those I know are more than happy to help because they realize how tough it is to gather them. Don't be afraid to ask for help from those who are already established. Pretty soon, it may be that you are helping each other out one way or another. In which case you lighten each other's burdens. It works; I've seen it happen. Hope this helps.

  3. Preschool education

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    It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with nursery school. (Discuss)

    Preschool education is the provision of education for children between the ages of 2 and 4, dependent on the jurisdiction. Also known as nursery, day nursery, day care center or kindergarten, preschool provides education before the commencement of statutory education.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Day care

    2 Developmental areas

    3 Ages for and importance of preschool education

    4 Aspects of preschoolers' abilities

    5 Methods of Preschool Education

    6 References

    7 See also

    [edit] Day care

    Main article: Day care

    Child Care centers often work with Preschools in providing Early Childhood servies to children whose parents work or go to school. Some Child Care Centers have a preschool program built into their morning routine. Still others collaborate with different preschools, child care services, Head Start programs, or Special Education Programs to provide children with the best quality programs they can be provided for an entire day.

    [edit] Developmental areas

    The areas of development which preschool education covers varies by jurisdiction, however the following main 'themes' are represented in the majority of systems. [1] [2]

    Personal, social and emotional development

    Communication, including talking and listening

    Knowledge and understanding of the world

    Creative and aesthetic development

    Physical development

    Mathematical awareness and development

    [edit] Ages for and importance of preschool education

    Preschool is generally considered appropriate for children three to five years of age, between the toddler and school stages. During this stage of development, children learn and assimilate information rapidly, and express interest and fascination in each new discovery. These qualities make them prime candidates for education, although most are not ready for structured elementary schooling. [citation needed]

    [edit] Aspects of preschoolers' abilities

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    At the age of four the practice of vocabulary and grammar starts to become very important. For four- and five-year-olds, the average vocabulary span is between 1500 and 2000 words. In this age group, the curriculum should focus on past tenses and pronouns of words. One word concept that becomes very confusing to the preschool age students is literal statements, which are those phrases that explain something figuratively but not realistically. An example is “when pigs fly”; if you say this a preschooler will picture a pig actually flying.

    Mathematical skills also come into use a great deal at this age. Preschoolers begin to recognize numbers better and understand the concept of numbers and their use. Rote counting, the ability to recite numbers in their proper order, is a very popular part of the curriculum for this age.

    The physical development of preschoolers should include more challenging activities. They like to do more things on their own. They love to help with anything they can and have responsibility. At this age their coordination has improved a lot and their body proportions have changed. They also become responsible for their own simple hygiene.

    Preschoolers are gaining better fine motor control. They can use scissors to cut on a line. Draw people with 2 to 4 body parts. Able to draw circles and squares and beginning to write some letters. Can pour their own drinks from a small pitcher or container. Able to use utensils during meals. (From CARING FOR YOUR BABY AND YOUNG CHILD: BIRTH TO AGE 5 by Steven Shelov, Robert E. Hannermann, © 1991, 1993, 1998, 2004 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Used by permission of Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc.)

    [edit] Methods of Preschool Education

    Parents are a child's best resource for education before school. Research shows that the more time and effort parents, caregivers, or teachers at preschools give to the child, the better a preschool child will be able to adjust to their environment. [citation needed]

    Some preschools schools have adopted specialized methods of teaching, such as Montessori, Waldorf, High Scope,[1] The Creative Curriculum[2] Reggio Emilia approach, Bank Street and various other pedagogy which contribute to the foundation of education. In the United States most preschool advocates support the National Association for the Education of Young Children's Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Universal Preschool is the notion that access to preschool should be available to families in a similar way as Kindergarten. There are different perspectives on priorities for access and how it is to be funded.

    [edit] References

    ^ High Scope

    ^ The Creative Curriculum

    [edit] See also

    Child development

    Early childhood education

    Nursery school

    Universal preschool

    Comenius Foundation for Child Development

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