
Anyone out there that has epilepsy and has visual things that fo on with their eyes.?

by  |  earlier

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I wouldlike to speak or hear from someone that has complex partial seizures and 1 Knows of any latest Aaeds(Anti epileptic drugs) that have come out and their side effects. 2 Who has funny things that go on with their eyes ooccasionallyfor a minute or so. Won't always be the same things ooccurring EG( Might see colours or things looked distorted.)




  1. The 'funny things' and colors going on with your eyes is known as an aura, or your bodies way of giving you a warning of an oncoming seizure.

    Speak with your neurologist, but I have heard good things about Keppra for seizure control

    Good Luck.

  2. I have complex partial seizures and get a weird deja vu type aura were things look kind of blurred or the lighting feels weird.  As far as anti-epileptic drugs I know there is a new generic version of lamictal, you can find all the side effects on their website (below).  I'm not sure what you mean with your last question though.  I guess when I have a seizure I look like I'm staring into space or daydreaming.

  3. I had seizures that were so bad that I would have 8 or 9 a day or more. So, I was fortunate to have a very good brain surgeon that corrected the problem. I still have to be on a anti inflammatory  regimen and still see colored shapes. Sometimes I get lighted with blurred vision but it doesn't last long. I now get headaches and sometimes they are so severe that I get sick. But that all bets having seizures all the time and not remembering what happened.  

  4. marijuana stops epilepsy dead in its tracks look that one up it cant stop cancer or none a that kind a stuff it can prevent it but i kno it stops epilepsy dead in its tracks. talk to a doctor about it for sure tho thats the safest way to go to b afraid to bring it up

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