
Anyone out there that i can talk to about my little issues?

by  |  earlier

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can i email someone, please reply with your email if you like listening to LOOOONG problems and give good advice, is open-minded, does not put an age on issues, and has christian values?





  2. Yes. Email me and I will respond.

  3.,, i would love to listen..  

  4. if you'd like to talk, i'd listen, but i'd prefer to do it on aim, if you have one.  i'm audtheamazing just tell me you're from answers


  5. write me.ill listen and try to help the best i can.

  6. I will my email is I also have msn IM if that helps

  7. no one cares. especially about a stranger. pay a shrink to care

  8. write me.ill listen and try to help the best i can. my id is meeshakil at yahooo


  10. yupp of course. i want to be come a counselor when im older.

  11. ill listen

  12. you can go ahead and email me.

    ive helped all my friends through the roughest times, so im here, okay>???

    please email me, ill help you as best i can, okay??


  13. i don't have time to give advice. but be careful with people talking through e mail.. you never know who's genuine or not

  14. Hi there you can certainly talk to me about your issues no matter what they are

    I will always try to help as i am a good and genuine man of 46

  15. me : ]

  16. I'll help you if you want...

    I'm catholic, so I guess I have christian values.


  17. yes

  18. Hey, I'll listen. E-mail me through here or at with your e-mail address. I won't post it here due to all of the nasties that are happening (like spammers). Also, I have great christian values mixed in with tons of fun (I deal with kids all of the time and listen to all of there problems.)

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