
Anyone out there that is 17 or older and never had Alcohol?

by  |  earlier

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ME! and im glad......i mean why when its obviously not good for you ./.... why not drink some water... or juice ... its so refreshing ^_^

. i wouldn't want to start and risk becoming an alcoholic too




  1. I did in college...of course!

    And after I had muh baby...I drink a glass of red wine every once in a while...or a cold Bud Select, especially since mammahood can be stressful :-)

    If I don't drink...I'll have hot Herbal Tea.

    A little is okay...just don't over-do it.

    It can be refreshing and relaxing when done in a decent manner. '


  2. Me I'm extremely proud of that though...........I hope to go an entire life time without it.  

  3. lmao same here .. im 17 and dont drink alcohol except wine on holidays :)..

    (ohhwait.. is wine alcohol?? lol)

    i dont smoke either.

  4. Aw I have been tainted lol. I've had alcohol but not a lot, just like a few zips from my parents when I was a kid. As a kid I was curious, so they let me try, it was bitter! As a teen I do not drink nor do I go to those parties, bleh. I still don't understand why adults like that stuff. ^^

    I never smoked and I'm still a virgin though.

    It's good that you think water is the best because it is true for without it, we wouldn't live. Our body is mostly made up of water too! People just don't like it because they think it is plain. Drinking water can also help people lose weight, since it doesn't have loads of sugar like juice or soda.  

  5. Okay, dude, Canard, that was a little too much information. And cutie, you should talk to me sometime ;)

  6. Sorry not me :P I'm 17 and I have had alcohol, but I'm quite proud to say that I have never been drunk (Well I've been a bit merry, but not proper drunk) lol

    I'm 18 in February though so I shall definitely be getting pissed with ,my matesss! :)

  7. You would be wrong, sir.  Believe it or not, Beer and wine are considered, with moderation, and in conjunction with a well-balaced meal, to be heal;thy for you--in fact, a recent study just fpoudn that three GLASSES (not boxes) of red wine (meaning one with each meal) can reduce all natural causes of death in a human by up to thirty percent.  Beer is considered better for women than men, because not only are there the salubrious health effects from the various natural ingredients, but also because it helps to control yeast-related disorders.  Now, a person does not become an alcoholic simply because they drink a beer, or a shot, or even an entire bottle of Jack; alcoholism may be classified as a disease by the Americans with Disabilities Act, but the fact is that alcoholism, like any addiction, stems half from your own inability to control your drinking, and half from psychological propensities for addiction to things in general.  By drinking, you are not an alcoholic; but by drinking in spite of yourself, you are.  

  8. I've drank plenty of times, and just like anything else too much of it is when it becomes bad.  There are health benefits to drinking occasionally.  You don't magically become a alcoholic because you had a shot of tequila or drank a beer, its more of a psychological disorder when you can't deal with your problems without having a drink.  I like to have a few beers every week, I don't remember the last time I was actually drunk and I sure don't consider myself an alcoholic.

  9. Lol, um I have had some before, people don't drink alcohol to get refreshed. :P

    But I do agree that water is the best drink to drink!

  10. Im a month from eighteen. =) and i haven't had any alcohol. And your right with the juice.

    & i havent smoked, either. You go girl! ;)  

  11. you won't become an alcoholic by just drinking alcohol... you would have to heavily drink to be an alcoholic why not drink water or juice because drinking can be fun and relaxing someone who can not understand if they have not ever tried it... people who say they never will are lying too lol

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