
Anyone out there that wears Multifocal Contact Lenses? I need some help/advice!?

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I have been wearing reading glasses for a long time, but now distance is giving me a problem. I REALLY don't want to wear bifocal glasses, so I am trying the contact lenses. I have no problem with the right eye. I put it in and it's like, "Wow! I can see!". Once I put the left one in, though, it's really blurry. Especially doing schoolwork, going from print in a book to the computer. The tech said my brain needs time to adjust and to give it a the mean time, it's very annoying and yesterday, I felt like it was even making me nauseous. Has anyone ever used these? Did you experience similar problems? My other options were to go with one eye for distance and one eye for near, but I was scared that would mess with my brain (I get vertigo really bad sometimes)...OR, to wear distance contacts and then keep my reading glasses...that is a BIG pain..I hate the constant putting on, taking off...

If anyone can lend me some help, I would really appreciate it!!




  1. Ok Here ya go. I am an optician with bifocal soft lenses. I have also had the doctor enhance the fitting with the mono vision as well, so I have a mixture of the two. What the Tech said was right. It takes a couple of weeks for your brain to learn to use the poser changes in the lenses. Even if you do just straight Mono Vision, you will have to let your brain take the time to learn to use them. I have been an optician for years. I know the concerns. The first week I had them I was a bit dizzy and I actually ran into an open door. My depth perceptions were different. You can not mess up your brain by learning to use either way, or having a combo of the two. IT is like saying you'll mess up your brain by learning something else......IT is a learning process and you will know just how good it can be when your tear layer settles down and your eyes and brain work together. It is almost as if you all of a sudden can see one day. I am not kidding. every time my Rx Changes I go through a mini re learning that takes a week or so to get in the groove of. Make sure you go to your follow ups and do exactly what they tell you. It should calm down and you should be able to do well with them. Just do not be too impatient. If it is unbearable you can go in and see if the Doctor can re-fit you with a different power. Personally I would tell you to hang in there, I just love mine and do really well with them.

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