
Anyone out there to help?!?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anyone that can cast a spell for free for me??? I really need this one and i want to know if anyone will help. Just email me if you can...please and thank you.




  1. t -baby why are you in mythlogy with this question go to your spell check

  2. T-baby - don't look online for witches to cast your spells for you.  Spells are serious business and you don't want some stranger handling it for you.  There are a lot of nice people online who are trustworthy, but there are even more crazies.  Just go to the bookstore or to the library if you're really set on magic being cast for you.  Look in the Metaphysical section under Witchcraft.  You handle your own magical business -that's your safest bet.  

  3. Sure I would do it

  4. i am a warlock and have many spells i would be happy to cast, just let me know wut it is u desire and i will make it happen.

  5. It all depends on what type of spell you want. I travel in both the light and dark worlds but when you ask for one from the dark side, it is never free. Its not a fee I ask but it is one that you will have to pay. You will understand if the spell is granted. If your asking for one from the light side it would be my pleasure to give it to you freely. Just remember that they both have consequences so be careful what you ask for. So ask away if you still want.

    For the most I really have to go with the persons answer that is below mine.

    Be careful who you deal with.

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