
Anyone out there who is pregnant and single?

by Guest60706  |  earlier

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im 5months pregnant and my partner left me 2months ago. i really want him back as i am feeling so lonely and depressed. Is there anyone out there who is in the same situation?




  1. I can't say that I'm in the same situation, but I have been on my own throughout my whole pregnancy so far. [My boyfriend has been out of state.]

    I know its hard now, and honestly, you'll probably feel lonely and depressed for awhile.

    You can try to focus on other things for now, like taking care of yourself and the baby, but deep down there might always be a part of you that will be thinking about your ex-partner.

    All I can say is be strong. And I can guarantee once your holding your new baby in your arms, your ex will be the last thing on your mind.

    Good luck. =]

  2. Im so sorry.  But you really dont need him around if he isnt ready to be a dad.  Its going to be a long tough road ahead of you but you will be stronger for it.  I know that you must be so depressed because of the hormones and because of your situation.  You are not alone.  Many women go through what you are going to have to go through.  There is hope.  Hang in there. Good luck


  4. Well, I'm not pregnant now, but I went through the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter last year.  This guy is definitely not worth your time, but I understand why you feel the way you do. Up until now (my daughter is 11 months) I finally realized that my daughter's father left me for a reason, because he is never going to be the dad that she needs him to be.  Being a single mother is tough, but its probably whats best for your child at this time.  If you ever need someone to talk you, you can always email me.  I have been where you are and I know how tough it can be, but you have to be strong for that precious baby!

  5. Don't take him back. Any guy who leaves while a chick is pregnant isn't worth it.

    Find someone who will appreciate you and who isn't jealous.

  6. I'm in your boat!

    i got engaged and 4 weeks later found out I was pregnant. 3 weeks before our wedding HE walked out. And up to this day he is still calling to check on me and the baby. He goes to all the appointments. I guess i got lucky he still wants to be a dad...just not a good partner! =[

    oh well his loss!

    i  have my days where i am really down...but then i remember i have a miracle growing inside of me! Something he will never be able to say!

    I am now almost 20 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl!!

    Keep your head up!

  7. dont fell depressed, this will be one of the most amazing moments in your life. y let him stuff it all up for you. i know a girl who got married then the next month she was preg. husband and mother in law said for her to have an abortion or the marriage would be over. of course she picked her baby and she is very proud about it and shes bout to give birth any moment now, and you should be like that. You dont need a man in your life to raise a baby.

  8. I was with my ex for 3 years, then i found out 5 weeks ago that i was pregnant (i was on the pill but obviously something went amiss). We were on a break when i told him and the next day he broke up with me (there was other reasons behind it apparently, not that he had the guts to tell me but i think the pregnancy was the last straw). I am now 10 weeks pregnant and pretty much alone (except for my mum and 17 yo sister). I do understand how you feel but after the way he has carried on in the last few weeks (telling everyone i'm faking it to get him back because 1 of his stupid nurse mates told him you can't get pg if you on the pill and feeling like he had the right to tell everyone that i was pg when i was nearly 6 weeks along) i have realised that this 42 year old 'mouse' isn't fit enough to be a dad. I'd like to contact you directly and chat more if that's ok - it's good to know there is someone out there in the same situation as me.

  9. Hi. I am not in the same situation but I do sympathize with you. I am sorry to ear that your partner was such a coward. Even though it must be so hard for you right now, remember that you're better off alone then in bad company...


  10. yep. he said he wanted the baby and would take care of us. started cheating on me when i was 9 weeks pregnant and refused to give up the other girl. Ive been on my own ever since. He doesnt call or anything. he doesnt care. It is lonely but why would you want someone who doesnt care to pretend he does so you arent lonely? Give your baby more. Im here if you wanna talk. Dont take that dude back. Seriously - who leaves their pregnant gf??

  11. He sounds like an utter b*****d. You don't want anyone like that back! Theres loads of single mothers out there, I'm talking about masses. Stay strong girl we don't need men. We're FEMALES!

    (In the animal land males leave female as soon as they impregnate them!)  

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