
Anyone out there who will actually admit to the fact, that they do NOT believe in the theory of Evolution?

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I respect the fact that people have the freedom to believe whatever they like, but the theory of evolution is simple, unequivocal fact, and I find it absolutely disgusting that some people are trying to deny it's legitimacy.




  1. I Don't Believe The Theory Of Evolution.

    Its All LIES.

    Read This:

  2. Evolution and creation are both taught in schools. Creation is taught in RE and Evolution in science. One is taught as a Biblical myth the other as fact. But both are theories both have strengths and weaknesses. Neither have been proved. The fossil record does not prove evolution. The famous fossils that were used to prove evolution have been shown to be fake or fraudulent. Creationists that claim the earth and everything on it was created in 6 days are also foolish as the age of the earth we know is billions of years old. The Hebrew word translated 'day' in the creation account means a period of time. One creational period or day could be millions of years long.

    Then there are those that believe that God created life to evolve. God either created life, or it came about by mear chance, a fluke and accident. Everything was just right, the Earths distance from the sun, the size of the moon and it's distance from us, the Earths gravity and atmospheric make up, the water. It was all just perfect. An amazing thing in itself.

    Scientific evidence points to evolution and the coming of life on this plant as a fluke.

    Biblical evidence points towards an intelligent designer and that he, out of love, created life on earth.

    So what do I believe? Well, actually, regardless of what science tells us and regardless of what I have been taught or come to understand about evolution, the fact remains that to me it still does not add up so for now, until science can give solid 100 percent proof that there is no God and that life came by accident and evolved out of....well....nothing....then I will have to say I believe in creation and intelligent design.

  3. I do not believe in evolution nor the theory of it.  When brought under the magnifier with sufficient light(revelation) one can easily discern it is nothing more than mish-mash and jibberish, presented in a seemingly logical and systimatic manner which for the unstudied is received as quite aceptable.  It has been admitted by leading evolutionist that it can never be proven, it has to be taken by faith, that there is not one or a few or ever many; missing links but millions upon millions of huge gaps.  Not at all like the textt books give it.  After enough study upon this anti-christ doctrine, learning of the mass ineptitude and mis-interpretation and disagreements among evolutionists it become so childish it is boring just to hear about it.  Abe Lincoln said it best:"You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.  There will always be that need to know minority who will search and research and read to educate themselves in the matters in question and eventually will determine the gross inadequacies if they; are there and with evolution, believe me, they are there.

  4. God is our creator

  5. I do not believe in evolution. You need MORE faith to believe this than Christ.

    If we are all glorified dirt than morality doesn't exist.

    Evolutionists CANNOT justify WHY murder is wrong. You can explain what you believe or what you were taught which is not an answer to WHY its wrong. If we are all just dirt, than there is no right or wrong.

    It's wrong because God is real and love.

  6. I think that you are correct in the fact that people do believe in strange things and this is why I assume that you are an Aberdeen supporter and we have to respect that even though it is strange to other people. :). Only joking. I am like you I believe on evolution and find it hard that people believe in other methods even thought their is scientific fact to prove evolution. But faith is a powerful thing and this is not to say that their believes are not true as the one thing that science can not prove is the what really happens after death so proving that evolution does exist is a lot easier that proving other methods do not exist, so if you had to  try and contradict someone that believes in another method i.e in a biblical sense then how are we to prove that  there version of events did not actually happen.


  7. Its not a theory - its a model, I wish people would grasp that.  

  8.   Evolutionism is a religious worldview that is not supported by scripture, popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of this dangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax-supported schools, parks, museums, etc., is also a clear violation of the First Amendment.

       To say that everything we have on this planet today derived from nothing more than one thing evolving into everything we have today that just doesn't make sense. I may of agreed with you a long time ago but I found God when I was 25 years old, I would just argue possibilities until I researched the bible and other religions including evolution and the only thing that makes sense to me is God (jesus). I understand why there are so many atheist today because of lack of researching on an individual basis because that is the only way to find the truth. Try it.

      The bible if you research it was not put together until the 1600's by King James men but the scrolls they used were copied over and over again for thousands of years before the bible was even thought of. God protected the real story of evolution, read it sometime and you will find that it takes the strongest mind to understand it. God Bless.

  9. I believe in the creation as written in Genesis .

  10. haha, i admit it

  11. look up the definition of "theory" need to learn something tonight

  12. Evolution is only a "theory" in part (a big part) because religion and dark ages preceded it.

  13. It depends in what you mean by 'believe in' it.

    I believe in it to the same extent that I believe in Newton's theory of Gravity.  I believe in them both as useful models for making predictions about things.  I don't believe in either of them as being indisputable truths, and neither should any scientist (although Richard Dawkins clearly does, and apparently so do you).

  14. THe evolution model (thank you CASE) fits the available evidence - for most people this is enough.

    If you believe man was created by God and you feel the need to say why and wish to educate people to your view, feel free - your beliefs need to be heard and considered by people who have yet to make up their mind or decide to leave it open.

    Just don't denounce either view!

    I believe that we evolved. I can't imagine ever ever ever being swayed to a creationist point of view, but feel free to try to convince me anytime!

    Jaren - all your link tells me is that once you've made up your mind NOTHING will convince you otherwise.

  15. Denying evolution by individuals is OK, if somewhat dumb. Teaching young children to deny evolution without teaching them an acceptable alternative is disgusting.

  16. i will tell you that i am beyond positive that evolution is not credible

    you can decide it is fact, you can cling to what you believe to be true but Dr. Frick says it aint so and he knows more than anyone else about genetics, darn hard to argue with an atheist who says life occurred elsewhere and was brought here

  17. They don't admit to it; they swagger in like it gets them medals and Internet Prizes.

    All the while displaying a tremendous lack of understanding as to what it is. It's amazing how many people are proud to admit to ignorance.

  18. Micro evolution is obvious, but species changing into other species is not so obvious, and not so provable.  God created the earth and set things into motion.  Over time, things do change, the survival of the fittest makes complete sense and can still be seen today.  

    Think about the other side of the issue.  Those who know God know Him as 100% true.  They think that you are sad to not see Him as obvious and real as He is.  Try to be open minded, try to see things from the other side.  True tolerance is to try to see from another viewpoint.  It is difficult, but it helps people get along.  

  19. I don't believe in the "THEORY" of Evolution.

    First of all,a theory is a speculation or a proposed explanation.

    It is not a scientific fact.

    I believe we were created in the image of God, not Apes or monkeys.

    If we were,than why are these species still around?

    Christians are convinced by more than the Bible.

    God speaks to them in many ways.

  20. I don't I think it's a load of old rubbish, explain how new gene material appears through natural selection and where the missing links have all gone

  21. Hello. I, also, respect your right to choose what you believe;with the only exception of not making you feel stupid or ignorant for doing so. I do however wonder why you question why we choose not to believe. But for me, evolution isn't legitimate. Scientists have made the comment that not even the existence of one  human thought can be explained. I never want to sound like what I believe is right and others is wrong. Instead I challenge them, if they really truly are seeking to know what I've found, to follow these links and read, what I call proof, and go from there. One is about evolution and one is about a man who was an atheist and set out for 2yrs to prove God doesn't exist. What he says in this article is really amazing!! Either way, you do have a right to what you believe, but I hope you find the truth you sound like you still might be looking for and don't quite know you're looking.

  22. I happen to believe in the theory of evolution, while I believe it makes some very interesting prediction/explanation I do feel that it doesn't fully meet the criteria to be considered as scientific fact.

    There are more creation stories/myths then the Genesis one. In the UK, they are SUPPOSED to be discussed (it's in the education act!), but "non-standard" religions/models are usually ignored/forgotten about. It's about time this discrepancy between the UKs laws regarding education, and actual educational practise is dealt with. (If you don't like the law, seek to get it changed! If you like the law, then push to get it enforced properly!)

    I feel that ALL the explanations for "why/how we are her" are trying to answer an Ontological question,  which means (At the current state of it) it's beyond science's remit.  Science tries to answer with the mechanics of how things can/did happen, but usually manages to produce models which allows many different things to have happened. Only very rarely does it provide a model which produces a single time-line of events. It's a VERY weak argument to claim that the only reason why things are as they seem is because if they were any different we wouldn't be here. It leaves the question of why things happened EXACTLY that way (which falls under Ontology)

    May also be worthwhile reading this article, about the design/testing of scientific theories...


    Arguments about the validity of techniques of argument get nowhere. Replace argument with DEBATE and it might get somewhere....

  23. Even without the theory the fact remains.

    The theory of evolution details one way that evolution could have been caused and occurred and is occurring today.

    If the theory is ever disproved the fact that evolution occurred, and is occurring today will remain, and a new theory incorporating the evidence, and hence closer to the full correctness, that disproved the first will be drawn up, used to make predictions and stand until disproved by yet more evidence.

    At which time yet another theory, still closer to full correctness will be created.

    This is how science works. Science is the search for correctness, not the correctness itself.

    Of course, I probably lost most of the Christian types back at the separation between the theory of evolution and the fact of evolution.


    John E : Look up the definition of "scientific theory". You just got schooled.

    madetolovechrist : Murder is wrong because a society which permits casual murder will lead to suffering and unpleasantness for all concerned. Evolution has provided us with the means to work socially as a method of achieving more and greater happiness and contentment. You also just got schooled.

    Nasty Void: That is true only in the most extreme cases. Where layers are jumbled due to upheaval, specific unbroken segments may be (casually and preliminarily) dated by the fossils they contain. Thee fossil types used for such preliminary dating are fossil types whose era has been determined in other less disrupted sites. School is really in session tonight.

    JD : "Micro evolution" is a term invented by fundies in denial. They can see that evolution in action right now has been demonstrated so they suddenly grab the goalposts and start running, claiming that evolution has to be a banana turning into a donkey before it's real evolution. Micro evolution _IS_ evolution. Micro-evolution + time = Evolution. This is where you try to claim the earth is 6,000 years old, right? That's a different class I'm afraid, but the short form is "No, it isn't".

  24. It is called a theory because it has not been proven according to proper scientific method.  It is so full of assumptions and logical shortcuts that it is hardly worth considering as a science.

    Dating techniques used to establish the age of the earth are unverifiable and, therefore, cannot be relied upon.  The half life of uranium 235 is given as 700 million years, but this cannot be proven without guesswork and assumptions.  Radio carbon dating, one of the most 'reliable' methods, could not accurately date bones discovered in Jersey recently.

    An evolutionary diagram shows the relationship between species based on morphology, not genetics.  It, therefore, cannot be relied upon.

    No satisfactorily explanation of the mechanism of evolution can be established.  Mutation has been suggested, but this is generally a reduction in viability.  It has never been demonstrated that a mutation provides a species with a genetic advantage which is then propagated through successive generations.  Natural selection describes how existing species or sub-species can survive whilst related ones become extinct.  However, this is the elimination of an already extant species/sub-species and does not represent an evolutionary step.

    Evolution cannot explain the mechanism by which exclusive symbiosis is achieved.  This involves two species that depend on each other so closely that the one cannot exist without the other.

    Then there is the first step.  How do you get living cells from non living chemicals?

  25. I do not believe in evolution, I believe that we were created by God.

  26. I do not believe it.

    I accept it and use it to uncover new facts about life.

  27. fossils are dated by the layers they are found in.guess what the layers are dated by?-the gotta love human arrogance!         **dont get me wrong man,I think atheists are great practical people.Its just...our whole concept of the universe is paradoxical-you know,infinite universe being put in a box by our ''great minds''.Only thing Id recommend to you is honestly ask God to reveal himself to you.(if he's there)I think you'll be suprised.all the best.

  28. I don’t accept the theory of evolution.

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