
Anyone over 50 on this site?

by  |  earlier

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If im the only one, Im leaving!




  1. Just turned 50 and wondering the same thing myself!

  2. Me

  3. I am 63 - 64 in may - please dont go

  4. I am 41 sorry!!! Don't go though!!!

  5. You are still a young chick yet so stay just a little bit longer.

  6. Oh yes

  7. You are not alone. I've managed to survive for 52yrs.

  8. Yeah Im 55

  9. Like dags I am also 69....

  10. I been around for 68 years!

  11. I'm fifty two, age is not relevant here.

  12. I sometimes feel ancient (like 110 yrs) does that count?

  13. Hello from 51 year old Glasgow.

  14. Hey! don't leave me alone on this site.  I'm 57, I could use all the company and support offered for us older generation persons.

  15. Yes, 60.

  16. i am ...and yes, it is hard to find questions that have much many are just chit chat...

  17. In years from birth, 55, mentally I'm 21 and sometimes even sweet 16, but physically I feel 95 when my mom out runs me. LOL

  18. Age is irrelevant / a state of mind, especially when all we do is ask and answer questions.

  19. Is 47 close enough?

  20. Yes there are not alone.

  21. I am 54 years old, born in 1953

  22. Hi,theres loads of us.i am 57 so hang in they will find you &


  23. Yup. I'm over over the 50 mark.

    Sometimes 'feel' twice that in physical terms, although in my head, I'm somewhere between 18 and about 28 ....whilst wish I had that bloody energy.


  24. You are not alone.  Was there anything in particular you wanted to ask of our particular vintage or was it just the feeling that there is a lot of 'younger' activity going on around here?  (Yes, I was being polite about this site.)  :-)

  25. There are many of us, mainly hanging out in the Seniors [for such we are!] section. I'm a naughty 69

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