
Anyone play Chess well?

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Who can tell me the ultimate move to establish Check Mate?




  1. No such thing.  The very best players are  usually good at math and can play blindfolded.  They can see the board in their minds which is important when looking several moves ahead.  Some good books would be "A Primer of Chess" by Jose Raul Capablanca or Emmanual Lasker's book  but the name escapes me. You can buy a Fritz CD for ten bucks that is rated higher than the world champion.  You can find free stuff online , just google "chess."

  2. There is no "ultimate" move.Yes the object of the game is checkmate,but when playing against equal competition,usually a straight up checkmate is difficult to achieve.You have to work the position into your favor,try to set up tactics,better pawn structure,and more active pieces.All of those things combined should eventually turn into the win for you.As Tartakower said"The winner of a chess game makes the next to last mistake."

  3. There will always be a weak square either beside of or diagonal to the enemy king where you can focus as your target square.  It is the square that will accomplish checkmate if you can safely get your queen there protected by any othe piece.  This is relatively easy when playing humans but darned near impossible when playing a computer.  But for me, the "ultimate move" is sacrificing pieces in order to make that square accessable to my queen.  Then she simply goes in for the kill.  Just study the board during the opening moves and ask yourself, "Which is the target square?"  You'll see it if you look for it.  It's always there.

    Unfortunately, when playing a particularly strong opponent, there is seldom an "ultimate move" to establish checkmate.  It usually has to be accomplished by breaking them down one piece at a time.  This can usually be accomplished by placing your knights on squares that enable them to attack two or more pieces at once.  This is called forking.  In my opinion, if you want to learn how to spot or create incredible forking opportunities, I highly recommend Susan Polgar's book, Chess Tactics For Champions ($17 at Barnes & Noble or check out "  My game improved greatly after having read just the first 10 or so pages of the book!

    Good luck!  Castle early!

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